Remember the swoon swap?

Do you remember in 2014 I had a swoon block swap?

2014-06-16 008

Each person made two blocks for each of the other participants and we each had specific color requests!

2014-06-28 001

2014-07-12 001

2014-07-15 002

2014-07-15 003

2014-07-16 004

2014-07-18 002

2014-07-20 068

everyone sent me the blocks and I divided them and mailed them out

2014-09-16 001

Now the reason for this post is that Becky emailed me this week that she just finally finished hers!

hers were halloween!

2014-09-16 018


How fun! she did a spider web panto on it too

(I spot my block with ghosts on the top left)


Do you remember mine?


My friend Laura also finished hers a while ago


I can’t remember if I’ve seen anyone else’s quilts that are finished?

But this was fun to go down memory lane and to see Becky’s quilt finally done as well! Thanks for sending me the pics Smile

Now it totally makes me want to do a similar swap again!!

anyone want to join? any suggestions? I’ll be happy to be the hostess again. We could all do one block design and then choose our own colors? OR have it be a virtual sampler where we each come up with a block and blog about it and we link up with different versions (though often people get lax about it and don’t do it) Or it could be that we each choose a block, send the directions to everyone with fabrics or just a pdf? and everyone has to make a block each and either send to me or the person of the month? there’s many different ways to do it.

Let me know what you think, if you want to join

5 thoughts on “Remember the swoon swap?”

  1. Years ago I did an Amish block swap, through a Yahoo group, my quilt turned out beautiful. But, have been in swaps that never got blocks back too, but I would be game to join, unless you have to have a blog, don't have one!

  2. I would love to do it again. I will keep watching the blog. My suggestion is churn dash (or less triangles). Thanks for posting. It was fun going down memory lane.

  3. I just found your blog this winter, but I would love to participate in a swap!

  4. Halfway through reading this post I thought, "Gee…I wish she'd host another swap"…..imagine my smile when I got to the end of the post! I'd love to participate in a block swap…I prefer we do the same block but pick our colors. Thank you so much.

  5. Oh, yes! Thank you for the reminder that I STILL have to sew mine together. I would love to do a swap again. I will let others decide is all would make the same block, or all choose their own colors and each person can do any block in those colors. But my choice would be a specific block and everyone put their own take on it. Like a churn dash, but maybe strip piecing the triangle sections, or make the rectangles units into 4 patches. It would be fun. I will try to sew the blocks I have into a top very soon.

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