Red snappers and mini quilt done and customer quilts and BOW

Goodie Goodie!

I got a package in the mail saturday…

RED SNAPPERS!! only fellow quilters would be thrilled like me over red plastic tubing 🙂

I decided to follow the video and long arm the casing/ sleeve on the leaders.

But they are ON and work great 🙂

Before I put the snappers on, I finished Sonja’s carseat mini tumbler quilt, it looks great.

I just quilted a curve from corner to curner on all the blocks and copied that on the border as well

While I pieced the tumbler quilt I finished all the drunkard’s path blocks, but I don’t know if it’s flimsy fabric, the cutting or ironing, but the blocks are kind of wonky!

so I decided to trim them even more wonky, I layered 3 DP blocks randomly and used my 6 1/2″ ruler and trimmed down to that and randomly piled them all together too, so when I sew the blocks together, they are ALSO very random… maybe it’ll look great, maybe it will look like junk, we’ll see!

This is the next women of the bible BOW = Lot’s wife.

I knew the story about how they ran away and she turned to look back and then turned into a pillar of salt! I picked the closest white fabric in this CT collection that looked like specks of salt and found a pale one and one a little brighter, then I picked blues- I don’t know why, I just liked them

The floral and check I also just thought looked good with it 🙂

again my block is 8 1/2″ (8″ when done)

Today, after I installed the red snappers, I quilted a customer’s two baby “I spy” quilts, it was fun to figure out how to load a quilt this new way

and I decided on the blue one, that BASTING is the way to go, I had tried it a long time ago and didn’t like it, but tried it this time and it was easy and looked great, so I’m doing that from now on!

Did you miss seeing a picture of PEANUT? now that a certain little princess is stealing the limelight?

This little green princess, for once in GREEN 🙂 the little green hoodie was so cute, but no sleeves to I put a white onesie under it, then she looked like a little hip hop chick! LOL

recently she found the birds and bugs that spin around above her head and play music, fascinating!

9 thoughts on “Red snappers and mini quilt done and customer quilts and BOW”

  1. Pat from Florida

    Oh how fun. I love your posts. Salt'ish fabric? Super! A dog replaced by a baby? Awe. Sleeping away, which is what I'd be doing if I had to keep up with your pace! A car quilt for the babe to watch? Super! And the look on her face watching that mobile? OMG. Doesn't get any better! Blessing to you and yours.

  2. So busy you are as always girl! I just don't know how you do it. The tumbler quilt is really cute, interesting in seeing your DP done (especially since I don't get along well with that one) and the I Spys are sweet. You'll have to explain the Basting difference for me some time.Have a great day!

  3. Great post. I love the quilts and your two princesses. Your daughter is so beautiful.

  4. Petit Design Co.

    I have some red snappers too, well mine are white since I bought the generic version not catered towards quilters (much cheaper for the same product)They are easy to use. I hat pinning, it takes me forever. Did you see that I finally got my longarm? well midarm, an HQ 16. I know I had asked you lots of questions about your voyager. I just happened to find a good deal (less than the voyager set up) nearby.

  5. Teresa in Music City

    Such cute minis!!! I have not worked with the red snappers but i hear they are amazing! I am only able to use time on a friend's machine, so unless she decides to start using them I will have to wait until I have my own to try them :*)

  6. Sonja's little tumbler quilt is really cute! I like the wonky drunkard's path blocks too. I have no idea what the red tubes do……are you basting on your longarm? Cute little princess's!! Thanks for sharing.Freemotion at the River Linky Party Tuesday

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