Red ribbon 2nd place quilt

In the fall (2010) I submitted my first quilt to a BIG international quilt show, it was in Tacoma, Washington, called INNOVATIONS.

First of all I was happily surprised I even got accepted, this is an all machine quilting show, and I’ve only had my long arm less than a year, and this bargello was the first one I quilting on the V17 🙂

So anyways, I shipped it off and when it came back it had a 2nd place ribbon attached!! I was thrilled AND a check came later in the mail. WOOT WOOT 🙂

So I was told I can now call myself an international award winning quilter. AWESOME.

okay enough bragging, I’m still very surprised, but I have changed my focus and want to do more shows, any I can get my hands on 🙂

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