Ready for the Studio Tour

I think I’m as ready as I can be right now for the Studio Tour tomorrow

Though they are promising rain (80%) on both days and freezing ran on Sunday Sad smile

I have a custom order form ready, studio flyers, business cards, artist bio set up.


Small quilts are pinned to the design wall and a few big ones cover the messy shelves Smile


other small stuff is on the table with pricing


I have some plain fabric on the frame to be ready to demo long arm quilting!


And the couches are covered with quilts!



fabric bowls on the shelves where the kids usually have all their XBox and wii game stuff.


banister covered up


and another couch covered up


The view from the stairs going down


and going up


downstairs I pulled the dining room table up and there’s LOTS of chocolates!


Just need to mop the floors and clean the stairs….. which I will do now since Sonja is sleeping!

If you’re in NC, come visit!!

16 thoughts on “Ready for the Studio Tour”

  1. You have worked really hard! It looks great, and I wish I could be there in real life. I hope it goes well for you–good luck!

  2. If all those chocolate yummies doesn't get them out on a blustery day I don't know what will:) Wish I was closer and could drop by!

  3. Michele Bilyeu

    Wonderful fun! Best wishes for a great turnout and well deserved compliments!

  4. wish I lived nearby. Everything looks great, have fun. Hope the weather cooperates

  5. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson

    OH MY WORD…you have a zillion quilts and everything looks so lovely!! I'm thrilled for you.Smiles,Kelly

  6. Rhonda Kennedy

    Look at all those beautiful quilts! WOW!Not sure exactly what a studio your is bit it looks like you are ready and I wish I could come. Good luck! You've worked hard for it.

  7. withajoyfulheart

    Wow…looks awesome! Wish I could visit, there is so much to see…and of course I hear the chocolate calling my name LOL

  8. Deana Tankersley

    I know your Studio Tour will be super, you are so talented..absolute Kudos to you for the love you take from your heart and place within every stitch..I admire you..<3

  9. Quilter Kathy

    It looks incredible!You are an amazing artist – so inspiring to see all your creations!Hope it was lots of fun!

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