rasmus klump and nativity scene advent calendar

Here’s a close up of a quilt I made my son for christmas

I had this rasmus klump from DK and had saved it for THAT special moment, but then before christmas I figured that my son is 7 now, I better use this! so I did.

I have to mention a blog site I came across, Leah Day- her stuff is great and she has a daily new quilt design, I got very inspired by her to do the quilting on this quiltI picked a pattern for each color and then stuck with that the whole quilt thru.yellow has a string of pearls, red has hearts, white has a shell type design etc.

a nativity scene advent calendar kit I got from connecting threads I think, I made it the previous year (2008) and quilted with gold thread and followed the outlines of the barn, the angel, Mary and Joseph etc.

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