Rainbow QUBE QAL 12″ version is finally done

This BIG quilt is finally done!

It was the rainbow QUBE QAL I hosted earlier this year

I made several different version and this one is made with the 12″ QUBE set

I quilted a pointy swirl all over it on my old funquilter

I had it quilted for a while but didn’t have the binding ready and then I got the idea to use leftover binding strips so it would be in rainbow colors too!

It turned out great!


I’m soon going to be turning this QAL into a paid pattern, so if you need the directions get them now!

Also stay tuned for the 50 states QOV QAL for 2020! I’ll keep that one free too, but I think just a very limited time!!

3 thoughts on “Rainbow QUBE QAL 12″ version is finally done”

  1. Shelly Grappe

    Love your work. Thanks for sharing your time and talents.
    I looked for the 12inch Rainbow QAL. I can not locate the pattern. Can you send me in the correct direction? Thank yoi

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