Rainbow grey string baby quilt is done

 After I finished these nine “plus” rainbow string blocks from Bonnie hunter’s book, I had them on my design wall and measured them at 12 1/2″ so if I finished them into a quilt, 36″ x 36″ would be a nice baby size! so I decided to do that!

Now it took me a while to think of a quilting design, also the blocks are not 100% flat because of the strings, so I needed something more dense, then I thought of the modern curves I’ve done before and started that, then after 4 or 5 lines I thought I would fill one space with bubbles, then I did more line and decided to have 4 spaces and the bubbles and I did that on the whole quilt!

Didn’t take long at all on such a small quilt!

 the curves I didn’t do perfect on purpose so it would create more movement

 for the backing I had this great woodsy print and I had 1.5yds of it so it worked out perfectly!

 I have it listed in my etsy shop here

3 thoughts on “Rainbow grey string baby quilt is done”

  1. This is so darling, Bea! I love the idea of the occasional "bubbles" in between your quilting curves!

  2. Ha ha…. I often change my quilting plan as I go too. But I am not as controlled with it as you are.

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