Rainbow BOM QAL

Sorry about the delay in showing this month’s block, it’s been some hectic weeks around here

Here’s the block for June- light blue!

Again the block is 10″ Finishes and made using the 8″ QUBE but you can use any other QUBE set you want following the #s below, I just don’t provide toray cutting for those

I made my block with 2 different light blue colors and the white background, you could add more light blue fabrics if you want 🙂

With the first light blue cut out 12 of die #5 (2 7/8″ squares cut diagonally)

and with the second light blue also cut 4 of #5 triangles and then 4 of #2 squares (2 1/2″ squares)

Then with white cut out 5 of #2 squares and 4 of #3 triangles (4 7/8″ squares cut diagonally)


I used a directional fabric for the first light blue so I made sure 4 sets of 3 pointed the right way- see below

first sew 4 of each of the light blue fabrics together into HSTs and notice mine face opposite directions

Then add the remaining first light blue triangles facing the same way (You COULD use die #16 but I thought it was fun to break up the fabrics like this)

also sew 4 sets of the white and second light blue squares together

Then add the large white triangles to the first sections like this

and start sewing the block together with the squares

and Voila it looks like this!

Have fun

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