Rahab Bible BOW and pin cushion swap

Here’s my Bible BOW – Rahab.

the block is the wall of jericho where she lived and she tied a red ribbon in the window as a signal.

anyways, my “string” is dark orange, it was the closest I could get to red and then I thought the checkered fabric in green and blue could resemble the bricks and the blue is matching

I got this little guy/girl in the mail the other day, a cute little pin cushion from the pin cushion swap, from Lisa, thanks, he’s really cute.

The other owls ADOPTED him/her 🙂

We live in a pretty new neighborhood our in the country, we all have abour 1.5 acres of land, there’s two lots left to build, then one across from us got started this week, uh oh

there’s farms behind our neighborhood and usually I can see horses when I quilt, that will soon be gone 🙁

3 thoughts on “Rahab Bible BOW and pin cushion swap”

  1. I love that little owl. I got that pattern in a magazine, but haven't tried it yet.Oh, I remember when someone bought the land behind us and started building. There home is about 1/4 of a mile away, but we still felt like our view had been ruined. As it turned out, they are some of our favorite people! : )

  2. cyndiofthevortex

    Those owls are just too cute! Can you tell me where I could find a pattern like them? I love pincushions but do not know where to find patterns besides google.

  3. Those little owls are adorable.We too live on 1.31 acres in the country/suburb. We had to empty lots across from our garage but not any more. One house is finished and the other is about 3/4 of the way there. One night there was a little red fox in the lot but I doubt he'll come out once the owners move in. Oh well. Life moves on.

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