quilts beyond borders and more

Once in a while I quilt for “quilts beyond borders

They often take a bunch of quilts to ethiopia to orphanages, who knew they needed quilts there? I always thought it was too hot there, but I guess it’s not Smile

This time I didn’t have any customer quilts or dead lines to I agreed to work on 3 of them

This one is a fun and simple lemonade quilt

june 308

love that fabric! I quilted pointy swirls all over it

june 309

then I quilted a wonky log cabin quilt

june 315

from the EQ “quiltmaker” CD I got from the EQ blog hop I hosted, I was looking at quilting ideas and printed out this funky loopy flower and sort of copied it- you know I always do my own thing, I get inspired by lots of things but then do my own thing

june 316

log funky flower

I also couldn’t wait to show this mini bow tie quilt

I did something NEW on this one…..

I HAND quilted it!! I used presentia threads and did really large stitches- that seems to be a trend lately, so I wanted to try it, it was fun with I still prefer my long arm Smile

the pattern is from the bits and pieces book- a great book for scraps!

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I “outlined” each bowtie and then a large X on the alternate blocks and straight lines on the border.

a cute and fun little doll quilt from left over riley blake fabrics Smile

june 307

also catching up on more Ahhhh’s

See WHO it looks like?? if I did the EARS in black you’d guess.


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june 317

Last night a storm rolled in, it was sort of scary looking!

june 345

like a blanket of dark clouds

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then it rained heavily for maybe 30min to 1hr and then it was just cloudy the rest of the evening

june 314

Are you surprised to see pics of Peanut??june 350

well, YES…. long story short, but we took him to the vet and he had severe ear infections in both ears so he got some sort of bees wax in there and will have it for 2 weeks, he does need eye surgery too.

we’re still “talking” about keeping him or giving him to the kennel.

But look at these pics! Sonja loves him and he’s SO good with her

she can climb all over him AND pull on his ears and he does NOTHING!

she loves to kiss him.

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Here’s some mommy daughter hugs too

june 363june 364


9 thoughts on “quilts beyond borders and more”

  1. Debbie Rogowski

    It's nice to see you still have peanut. If he lets her pull on his ears with an ear infection he's a keeper. I love your birdy background, I've been looking for something like that to color with the grandkids. I tried to get my son in law to make T-shirts with this type of stuff on it to color with fabric markers.

  2. It's always nice to have the time to work on charity quilts. I love your hexie blocks.Peanut looks very content to have Sonja crawling on him. Glad it worked out.

  3. You have to keep him! Now he has a baby girl that loves him. How can you say no to either of those faces??

  4. That picture of the storm is scary and pretty at the same time. Also, the one with Sonja on Peanut's head too cute! It is nice to work on charity quilts. I have done 2 so far and working on my 3rd for "Quilt's for Kids" It also helps me practice. Have a great day!

  5. A dog with loving patience like that isn't the norm. He's a definite keeper!!!

  6. Oh I hope it works out so you will keep Peanut. I would hate to think of what might happen to him if he ends up in a kennel. Adorable pictures of Sonja with Peanut and also with you.

  7. Peanut is so good with Sonja, and that's not always the case with dogs. I hope Peanut stays. Probably expensive vet bill, though. Love your charity quilts and hearing about this project. Deserts are notoriously chilly once the sun goes down.

  8. The quilts turned out great and I'm sure it is satisfying to be able to whip them up quickly. I love the way Sonja loves on Peanut.

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