quilting customer’s UNC quilt and more ORCA pieces

I have been playing catch up on the ORCA blocks AND long arm quilted one customer’s quilt that was dropped off monday.

Here’s a pile of ORCA blue #2 blocks, it was FUN to do the string piecing, I pieced 6 and then fed another start in the machine, then cut off the 6, ironed, trimmed and removed the paper, so had to do that 12 times to get the 72 blocks!

Here they are! I had to start cutting up FQ’s but that’s okay.

Now I got more variety and look! this one has 8 strings!

Now onto clue #3 those tiny little HST, I don’t have the ruler Bonnie talked about, so I test sewed a few blocks and cut out 2 3/8″ squares and cut diagonally, and my seam allowance and ironing made them 2″ when done ( 1 1/2″ when sewn into a block)

Look at that pile! 10 of each white and blue…. I used scraps of blue- somehow they ended up being mostly light blue, we’ll see if that’ll look okay?! where step #1 I used mostly dark blue, hmmm

So I started playing with the blocks, I’m GUESSING everything hinges around a 6″ block when done. So clue #1 was 2″ when done (after being sewn into a block)

clue #2 was 3″ when done

and clue #3 was 1 1/2″ when done, some NEAT blocks!! now that I look at it, the light blue is very light, hmmm….

oops realized I had turned wrong some of the hourglass blocks

This was the customer quilt I long armed yesterday and today, a T shirt quilt!

I quilted swirls and feathers- one of my customer’s favorite designs 🙂

here’s the back of it. 

well off to make dinner! happy quilting

2 thoughts on “quilting customer’s UNC quilt and more ORCA pieces”

  1. erin, maker of chimes

    I've got red/white (NCSU) quilt like your string piecing blocks. It's for the hubby and in progress for 5 years (*gasp*) now… if I EVER get it finished, I'm bringing it to you for quilting 🙂

  2. I love the bargello quilt that you use for your background. I'm doing Orca Bay too. I love seeing people's guesses of what the layout will be. Even if they aren't right it gives me lots of good ideas for future quilts.

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