quilting and giving birth to more owls!!

Of course I’ve been quilting!

I finished long arm quilting both of these quilts and attached binding on them, just need to hand sew onto the back, the pink one I started last night.

I’ve also embroidered labels for both 🙂

My current audio book- very interesting and almost done with it. It’s a series so I want to listen to #2 if they have it.

I had an email conversation with someone about bobbin winders, so I thought I would show a pic of mine.

I USED to have the blue cheapo bobbin winder from JoAnn’s and would use it to wind bobbins for my long arm, well after it breaking when I would move this blue prong to the side and ME fixing it several times, I broke down and bought this : K KRAFT bobbin winder, it’s $$ but worth it! I love it and never have tension issues.

it’s crude but WORKS great!


here’s an ODD picture of these PERLER beads my kids LOVE to make projects with.

Have you ever tried them? you gotta buy the REAL perler beads from the craft store or online, so you add these beads to a peg board ( different shapes and sizes) and then with attached wax paper on top you iron them a little so they melt together, I iron both sides to be sure.

My kids have made BUCKETS of these and still love them.

PERLER btw in danish means BEADS.

Okay on to more OWLS!!

I decided on 3 girls and 3 boys so I used FQs or scraps for the BODY.

The pattern BTW is fons and porter dec 2010, though they have it in wool, I use scraps of cotton.

I then pick scraps for each part of the own and use heat n bond and traced the parts and iron etc.

( I will have a more detailed tutorial later)

Here the parts are all ironed on

then I button hole stitch all the parts down

here’s a close up of one

I stuff them with fiber fill and hand sew the opening closed.

( a HARD labor but I managed ! lol)

Ready for the craft show in 2 weeks.

well now it’s time to get my kids from school at 11.30 HALF a day, STUPID that they have the half day in the middle of the week, but they don’t want the kids (parents) to play hookie from school if it was on a friday.

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