QUBE Travel RR QAL week 5

Sorry if this got posted late, I’m actually arriving in Denmark today and will be here for 2 weeks, I’ll ask for help to post this in the FB group but I have these posts scheduled ahead of time on my blog, but just in case I’m not online, I have asked for help to post on FB.

It’s time for block #5 Bow tie blocks!

There’s 12 of them!

Originally I had listed the dies as #2 from the 9″ QUBE set AND the bowtie companion sets but it seems like not many have that, SO…. I changed it a bit

we’ll still use die #2 from the 9″ QUBE set BUT I tried to use #2 from the 6″ QUBE set too instead, it’s not really “easier” but it’s a work-around that works just fine.

You’ll use fabrics C and H

Cut out (24) of shape #2 from the 9″ QUBE set of each of the two fabrics

Then (24) of #2 from the 6″ QUBE set

OR if you actually have the bow tie set, then cut out (24) of 11.1 in blue, fabric C and 24 of 12.1 in yellow, fabric H and then (24) of #2  Of course all from 9″ QUBE set 

OR if you’re rotary cutting cut 2 3/4″ squares, then pick what size square you want the small one to be, it can be 2″ or 1 1/2″ or use that nifty 1 1/2″ square die if you have that!

Unless you used the bow tie dies you need to mark diagonal lines on the back of the smaller squares like this.

Then sew on the line and trim the seam allowance

Then after that, add the yellow “H” squares above these

 and then sew together into 12 bow tie blocks

Then sew together into 2 rows of 6 each

Then sew these above and below the center of the quilt, there’s a few places where the seams line up, so pin accordingly 🙂

Have fun!

Here’s last week’s participant blocks

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