QUBE sampler QAL block 36


Block 36!


This block looks odd, but it’s an illusion!, not hard at all.

And again we’ll be using the chisel die from the companion set!

You’ll be using dies #5,8 and #9 and 3 fabrics plus white

With die #5 cut out 4 white,

2 of fabric A

4 of fabric B and

8 of fabric C

With die #8 cut out 2 of fabric C

with die #9 cut out 2 of fabric A both RIGHT side up!


sew HST blocks together

2 of white and fabric C

2 of white and fabric A

4 of fabric B and C

and then sew remaining fabric C triangles to angled edge of #9 chiselsDSCF8705

then sew #8 rectangles to long sides of chisel blocks

also sew white/C HSTs together with B/C HSTs

and B/C HSTs together with white/A HSTs

(confused?? just look at the picture of the block and rotate HSTs around so it looks like the picture)


Now sew into broken dished blocks (at least I think that’s the name of them) making sure none of the same fabrics touch and that fabric A is at the bottom left and them opposite corners- top left and bottom right are the same, the top right is the odd one out)


Now sew these to the chisel blocks and have the bottom left triangle (fabric A) touch the chisel fabric as it’s the same!


Now flip the bottom section and sew block together


quite a funky block, right?

Here’s block #35 from the participants

Renie’s block in batiks

35 renie2

and Michelle caught up on blocks 33-35


2 thoughts on “QUBE sampler QAL block 36”

  1. My Life In Quilts

    I don't have any of the sets you are using, but I probably have the dies. Could you tell us what size these are please??

  2. sally johnson

    Bea I have the 12" Go Cube and ordered the companion set. So cannot wait to play

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