QUBE sampler QAL Block 18


This week’s block is super easy, just a simple four patch!

I didn’t even bother showing step by step of this block, it’s shape #1 (2 of 2 colors) sewn into a four patch

Here are the fabrics on the die and it’s easy peasy to cut out.


I chose some of the prints that really needed to be shown off!


and here’s the 12” batik version


Because I didn’t use the companion die set with the 12” blocks, I now have 12 blocks and that’s 36×48” plus a border


And my scrap bundle of batiks was kind of running low too so I decided to sew them all together after I shuffled them around a bit


I was then playing in EQ with these blocks and came up with this border idea. It uses #8 rectangles, in this case they are 3×6”, but to have an inner border, you have to do a bit of math, you want each side to be half the size of the rectangle width, so in my case it’s 1 1/2” on each side (2” cut) this way there’s 13 rectangles on the top and 17 on the sides and #1 squares for the corners.

batik sampler12blocks12in

I quickly cut out the rectangles and sewed them together


Here’s the top all done. I decided to make the corners black like the inner border. Now the top is 51” x 63”


and here it is, all quilted and finished


I did a ribbon swirl on the inner border and different curved designs on the blocks


qube sampler4

qube sampler5

Then this filled ribbon on the border that now looks like pea pods

qube sampler 3

I gave it to hubby to hang in his office for sound proofing or absorptions but the quilt it replaced was much bigger so it makes this one look tiny.

Here’s pics from last week’s participants!


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