QUBE sampler QAL block 11


Here is the block of the week, block #11


This block is kind of funky and modern, don’t you think?

It’s a rather easy block to make and uses two fabrics, this time I did NOT use the white that I try to put in all the blocks, but every once in a while it’s ok NOT to use it Smile

The first color A, cut out (4) of shape #4 and (4) of shape #5

Then color B, cut out (4) of shape #3 and (4) of shape #5


Then start by making 2 flying geese from shape #4 and shape #5


Then add the remaining shape #4 above and shape #5 to the sides


and lastly add the larger #3 triangles to the sides to make two large geese (so I guess these blocks are geese inside geese!)

I love how the triangles match up perfectly!


And sew the block together.

Here’s the 8” block


and the 12” batik version


How are you doing on the blocks?

Here’s Patty’s block from last week #10


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