QUBE Sampler QAL 2017 Block 1

QUBE Sampler QAL 2017

My post was supposed to go LIVE on Accuquilt’s blog last Thursday, but they are having technical difficulties, so I figured I’d show the block here too, to get everyone going! Smile

This is week 1 of the QAL and this block is pretty easy!


I showed in my last post that I’m using a 20pc FQ bundle, from this bundle I chose 2 fabrics and then solid white and with my 8″ QUBE set I cut out 8 of #5 in white, with shape #2 I only need 2 of each color but the die has 4 on it and that’s okay, I might need it for a later block, then I also cut out 2 of shape #3 of each color.

Then I sewed the white #5 triangles to two sides of 4 #2 squares (2 of each) as shown

and then sewed a large #3 triangle in opposite color to the edge of that to get 2 x 2 blocks

then sewed these into a block

and that’s it!

block #1 is done!

After reading comments on the last post and also on the Accuquilt facebook group, several said they would try the 12″ QUBE set and some said they didn’t have the companion set, so I decided to use my 12″ QUBE with new fabrics and I don’t have the companion set for this size and didn’t really pay attention to how much fabric I had but chose a nice batik bundle from Island Batik and I’ll use this one for as far as it goes 🙂

These batiks are brown, black and a bit of blue

sampler QAL 1b

I cut out the shapes in the same way, but did notice that #2 is a single item on this die.

sampler QAL2b

here’s the 12 1/2″ block done and notice that I matched the square with the big triangle instead of doing the opposite colors.

sampler QAL3b


do you want to keep the blocks secret until we work on the blocks of do you want to see a layout now?

When Accuquilt’s blog is working again I’ll show the blocks there again and also have a linky on MY blog, so whenever you finish this block in your size and color link up below! We’d love to see the eye candy Smile

5 thoughts on “QUBE Sampler QAL 2017 Block 1”

  1. Hi, I saw this on Accuquilt yesterday but now can't find the post and they sent me a link to your page. I would like to do this. Do you have any suggestions as to what type of fabrics to use? And, how will I know when you show the next block? I've never done a blog before. Do I need to sign up for a blog someplace?Thanks for your help!

  2. Norrine Buchholz

    I know I'm a little late and should be doing my taxes but I'd like to join the quilt along if it's still possible. thanks

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