QUBE QAL final Block 18


It’s the final week!

This has been so much fun and I hope you’ve enjoyed it too!

I loved seeing all the different versions of the QAL and I’m honored that you all did it and liked my blocks and had fun too!!

This last week’s block is another easy one and it’s black (yeah I know, where is there black in a rainbow?? there is in THIS quilting rainbow)

It’s a simple flying geese block and you’ll be making 12 of it!

In white (background) cut out (12) of die #4

and with black cut out (24) of die #5 (or sets of 12)

with my 6″ version I did solid white and a blue scrap, since it’s a small block it was easy to find a scrap that could cut out all 24 🙂

I didn’t have any more yellow for the 8″ version so that top is done! (I’m still considering a border but so far I’m leaving it alone)

for the 9″ version I wasn’t sure I had enough either, but I had some scraps so I cut out 4 each of 3 different plaid prints of die #4 and then 8 of 3 different fabrics and die #5

With the 10″ set I cut out 12 of the black floral background and die #4

and 24 red of die #5

The 12″ version I cut the #5 triangles out of 2 black fabrics, so 12 of each and the white background of #4

The block is an easy flying geese 🙂

As you can see, the 6″ version is all the same, the 9″ I have 4 each of 3 different blocks, the 10″ is all the same and the 12″ version has 6 of 2 different black blocks.

Now sew these 12 blocks together into a long row like this

The background is supposed to be UP toward the quilt, but that’s really up to you, and if you want to flip around every other one, you can try that too!

Now sew this row to the bottom of the quilt, here’s my 6″ version!

and the 9″ version (remember I skipped over the “grey” blocks)

and here’s the 10″ version

I decided to add a 2″ and 3″ border on it, so now it’s a biggie! I think 70″ x 78″

and the 12″ version- and it’s HUGE!

Now I have to mention this and don’t get it the wrong way, I won’t judge….

BUT since I didn’t charge anything for this QAL and really I was counting on more commissions from sales, but it’s hardly been anything (I’m an affiliate for Accuquilt, so if you ordered anything on Accuquilt’s site thru any of my links on the side bar, I’d get a small commission) anyways, if you LIKE to – no pressure- I do have a paypal button on the right and you can “donate” anything you’d like, I’d say anything above a few $ because paypal charges around 50c per transaction so paying just $1 would be a waste…Up to you. I’m not expecting anything, I’m just thrilled that there were so many participants!

I’m already brainstorming another QAL, but it might wait a bit until we all finish everything and I have some other secret deadlines… so we’ll see 🙂

Have fun!

Here’s pics from last week’s participants

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