Purple hexagons

I got the first batch of hexies done, though not sewn into giant “flowers” yet, but I just had to take some pics and play with the layout and see what it would look like.

2014-06-26 001

And if they touch each other it would look like this Smile

2014-06-26 002

Now I decided to take pics of each one and import into EQ7.

I’ve done a tutorial about it before here.

2014-06-26 0032014-06-26 0042014-06-26 0052014-06-26 0062014-06-26 0072014-06-26 0082014-06-26 009

For some reason it erased the top left blocks, but still it gives a good idea of HOW it would look and how many blocks I’d need, now this one is bigger than I think I would like it. 55 x 70-ish.

I have a yard of each fabric, so I’ll keep going until they run out, I think.

If I counted correctly I think I need 13 of each fabric hexagon.

hexie island batiks

I think Island batiks sent me plenty of the black fabric, so that could work for the binding!


8 thoughts on “Purple hexagons”

  1. Connie Kresin Campbell

    Looks so neat Bea and black binding will really work well!

  2. Oooh soooooooo pretty. That purple called my name to come see right away. That's going to be gorgeous when completed.

  3. Teresa in Music City

    I just don't know how you get so much done! And with a baby too – you run rings around me 🙂 Love your purple hexies 🙂

  4. Great. How do you tack the trapezoids to sew them together? I tried some last week but wasn't sure how to do the corners on the wider end. I see yours look loose. Thanks.

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