PSA have you cleaned out your sewing machine lately?

I’ve been so busy this week, not doing much sewing but I did add binding on two quilts AND then I cleaned out my sewing machine!!

AND it really hasn’t been that long since I did it last, but it NEEDED it!

First I unscrewed the screws on the needle plate of the machine and opened it up….. YIKES!!

Then I got out a small paintbrush and pulled out as much lint as possible, it’s especially important to get the lint that’s stuck between the teeth (gotta floss right??)

after a few times I DID use canned air- shhh don’t tell my repair guys!!

This little dust bunny was in there!!

I also added a bit of oil to the bobbin area, not sure I need to oil anywhere else….. and NO I didn’t change the needle, maybe I should, but I’ve broken the needle “pretty” recently so I think that’s fine…..

When is the last time you cleaned out your machine????

2 thoughts on “PSA have you cleaned out your sewing machine lately?”

  1. I try to do a quick dusting when I change bobbins but l know that doesn’t help the space underneath the throat plate. So I think I hear my machine calling for a deeper cleaning.

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