Preparing for craft show

I’m scheduling this post ahead of time as I’m celebrating today of becoming an American citizen! (I’ll post about that later)

my town, Pittsboro NC has a yearly fall craft fair called the Pittsboro street fair and I’ve never attending it as a vendor, then heard about it again some weeks ago but figured it was too late to apply, but still wanted to get on the list for next year. The lady was so sad and wished I would have joined and asked me if I’d be ready to jump on it with short notice in case of cancellations and I said YES! well sure enough, last Friday I got the email and quickly applied and even though I have stock of things already, I have been busy making more!

I’ve done a smaller craft show that was with a farmer’s market and that place never advertised the crafters so when people showed up to get their produce they never had much left over cash, but my eyeglass cases did sell a bit, so I’ve made more!

There’s cats, dogs and owls.

Here’s some green ones

eyeglass cases


eyeglass cases


eyeglass cases


eyeglass cases

red ones (totally thinking Christmas on some of these)

eyeglass cases

and here’s the box Dan made for me for the last show, as you can see there’s a skinny owl too, but it’s VERY skinny and doesn’t fit many glasses, where the others are wide and medium so supposed to fit sunglasses and reading glasses (and sometimes phones)

eyeglass cases

I also made 6 owl bags, they are so much fun to make!

owl bags

So hopefully I have enough, I’ll post pictures of the booth once I’m there Smile

5 thoughts on “Preparing for craft show”

  1. Wishing you all the best, such cute cases! Let us know how it works out for you.

  2. QuiltShopGal

    I am so happy you are officially a citizen and can vote. Congratulations. You definitely look ready for this fair. I hope it is a good one and all your beautiful handmade items sell quickly, as well as plenty of custom orders. Enjoy.QuiltShopGalwww.quiltshopgal.comps – the skinny owl eye glass case looks perfect for reading glasses

  3. BeaCongrats on becoming an American Citizen. Love all of your goodies for the craft show.

  4. Pamela Arbour

    Those are darling! Love the display. They should sell out! I wish you the best.

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