post thanksgiving dress

Hope you all are filled up from yesterday and not “killing yourselves” on Black Friday shopping!

I finished up this dress for Sonja (finally!- don’t tell her I meant to finish it for halloween, but didn’t)


She loved her new “fall” owl dress!


and it twirls a bit too!


Yesterday we went to our friends Ella and Barry’s house for Thanksgiving dinner! They daughter and husband two grandsons too, who were Bjorn and Solveig’s age!


Ella and Barry are both quilters! and they had quilts in EVERY SINGLE room!! (Dan take notes!!ha ha)


we had a great time and so did the kids!


Today we got out the boxes to decorate for Christmas!

That’s become a tradition now, to decorate on Black Friday.

We won’t shop today- unless it’s online.


after the big tree went up, Swiffer went under it right away!


We found this little musical nativity scene that someone gave us (I think when Sonja was born, or maybe it was Anja? anyway, Anja was mesmerized by it)


The big tree is up and mostly decorated!


and we have a smaller tree for upstairs where all the oddball ornaments went on


and my fabric ornaments went up too!


Are you shopping today or NO WAY??

2 thoughts on “post thanksgiving dress”

  1. Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting

    No black friday shopping for us. Too much stress, etc. We stayed home, and I sewed all day long, and watched Christmas movies.

  2. Anita Jackson @ Domestic Felicity

    No shopping for me on Black Friday. I do not see the fun in it. I like staying cozy in home and sleeping after a long day of entertaining and dishes 🙂

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