
Do you pinterest??

I have an account, but really haven’t done MUCH lately….

but I started to notice some popular blogs having the PIN it button on their pics and thought it was a good idea.

so I googled it and found this

editing html template is a bit tricky and I tried several times because at first my html “box” was all empty, guess I was being impatient, finally it showed it and I easily copied and pasted the new html for pinning

Last night I found a feature on pinterest too where I could “import” pics from a website and I clicked mine and saw pics from my recent post then below that were other pinned pics from here. how cool!

and they all link back to here Smile


hope you try it too, it might bring more traffic to your blog Smile

7 thoughts on “Pinterest”

  1. Teresa in Music City

    Yes, I love Pinterest! I haven't done a lot of pinning lately, but it's really a great resource and helps me go back and find things that I want to make. So much easier than bookmarks!

  2. I need to check this out. I do have a link on my blog to my pinterest boards but not an actual pin it button. Cool to see what other folks have pinned of yours tho isn't it? Very cool.

  3. No, I neither pin, nor want anything of mine pinned. I'm anti-pinterest.

  4. I have pinterest. I mainly pin my own stuff instead of collecting other's pins. It's given my blog a good bit of extra trafffic.

  5. Just another note. Are you on That site has given my blog hundreds of hits per day.

  6. My again:) The only down side to having the photos click directly to pinterest is visitors can no longer zoom in for a larger view of a photo by clicking it. I sometimes like to look at bigger versions of the quilt photos and such as they are hard for me to see on the blog pages.

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