pincushions, ohio stars and bible blocks

At the pincushion on parade link up a few weeks ago I won a giveaway, one was $10 to and I added a few things, one of them were these heart stuffies ornaments.

Of course I couldn’t just make ONE, but tried 2 in felt

machine embroidered pincushion heart

I also made a bigger version in cotton and then stitched it right sides together and turned into out for a pincushion!

machine embroidered pincushion heartmachine embroidered pincushion heartmachine embroidered pincushion heartmachine embroidered pincushion heartmachine embroidered pincushion heart

I also got some pincushions from Turid in Norway, well they are technically just stuffies and she sent me two for my youngest girls, but I think I might just keep them on the shelf… but not poke them with pins Winking smile

DSCF9016elephant pincushion

I’ve also been making more mini ohio star blocks!

mini ohio star blocks


Here Anja started helping me put all the blocks up to see how many I had!


I think I’m about half way done!

mini ohio star blocksDSCF9002

While we got bins out, I was looking at the women of the bible quilt blocks and now I’ve printed all the blocks that needs templates or Foundation pieces, so I’ve been on a roll too on these!

This is Jehosheba (Grandmother’s own)

batik women of the bible block

and here’s Huldah

(I added lines down the middle so it was easy to Foundation piece each quarter block)

batik women of the bible block

Here’s Vashti

batik women of the bible block

and this is Esther’s (on of my favorite blocks!)

batik women of the bible block

Here’s Proverb’s 31 woman, I just picked my favorite colors for it

batik women of the bible block

here’s Shullamite woman

batik women of the bible block

and a simplified Gomer block

batik women of the bible block

And then the new Testament, Elizabeth

batik women of the bible block

I’m also making progress on my EPP project

english paper piecing medallion

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