Pin it Blog hop

It’s Pin cushion time!!

Thanks to Mdm Samm and Kristen for organizing this….

When I saw the sign ups for this I jumped right on it.

I LOVE pin cushions

and if you know me and follow my blog you know that I love this particular pin cushion…. The OWL pin cushion.

I’ve made a ton of them over the years.

But it was time for me to make myself a new one Winking smile

He/She doesn’t have a name yet, what should it be?

(isn’t it funny how the fabric has the owls on it and right by the beak, it made it look like a funky angry owl!? oh well)

-this was the fabric that was given to me from my secret quilty sister btw.


This little guy/girl won’t be lonely though, he already has a family!

The orange one was the first owl pin cushion I ever made, I did needle turn applique back then. The pattern is from Fons and Porter Dec 2010 btw.

The 3 other owl pin cushions and their house was from a pin cushion swap I hosted last year, which I MIGHT start again, if anyone is interested let me know, I’ll post about it in a few days.


Now the owls are not the ONLY pin cushions I have, I’ve collected and made quite a few, it may look like a big mess here, but they are just mixed around on the shelf.


Now I had originally planned THIS pin cushion for the hop, but then decided this week to ALSO make an owl.

This was a “test” I embroidered on my new machine and used EQ Stitch to design it, actually my HUSBAND designed it, I think the cross was a font from dafont. I embroidered the piece a while ago and hung it up then decided to turn it into a pin cushion this week, I filled it with crushed walnut shells so it’s more like a bean bag, hackie sack…. still cute cool.


Of course my little inspector had to check it out too



This month I also made another pin cushion that I sent to a friend but it got LOST in the mail….. GRR I posted about it yesterday

I hand embroidered a grape cluster and turned it into a pin cushion.

August 060

Let me see how many owl pin cushion pictures I can find on my computer Smile

These are from 2012



Some of my beginner ones. (Not 2012)








Now 2011

021 (2)

027 (2)






bea lee owls purple gift



beas owls

And 2010


These are the first 4, I kept the orange and gave the other 3 to quilty neighbors Smile


That’s a lot of owls. Let me count them….

49!!!! hmm I need to make #50 don’t you think??

Here’s the list for today, hop around and see some more fun pin cushions!

September 11

Vroomans Quilts

More Stars In Comanche

Dancing Through Threads

Jackie’s Art Quilts

What About Rheema?


Elizabeth Coughlin Designs

Just Let Me Quilt

Patchouli Moon Studio

Bea Quilter (me)

Quilting Lines

I Piece 2 Mary


Nati’s Little Things

Marjorie’s Busy Corner




Have fun!

94 thoughts on “Pin it Blog hop”

  1. What a great supply of pin cushions, I see Sonja approves! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Hey, what's one more when you've made that many cute creatures ! Your little inspector is precious !

  3. Teresa in Music City

    My goodness girl!!! I'd say you are definitely the "owl" queen! That's a lot of owls!!!! They are really sew darn cute though, I can't blame you for making them one right after the other, like eating candy :*)

  4. Heleen Groot

    They look amazing all together! But I bet you still loose pins…. I have loads of pincushions too, but most of my pins still end up hanging from my trousers or (worse still) in my feet! Thank you for sharing your collection. I loved it.

  5. I love all your owls (a parliament??) and I can't believe you've made 49!!Thanks for sharing!

  6. Haha, he's an angry little kangaroo owl!!! That is too funny. Great job on all of them!

  7. Wow! That's a whole village of owls you have there! So cute. If I was a psychiatrist I would declare you have some sort of personality disorder – an owl fixation (just kidding). Loved seeing all of them. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Big Fun, Bea, you made a whole communitie of owls and sent them into the world! They are lovely! I love all your pin cushions, they are an item collectible worthy. Thanks for sharing!

  9. withajoyfulheart

    That's a lot of owls, but of course you should make number 50. Too bad about the cluster of grapes going missing. It was gorgeous!

  10. Whoooooo would make so many owls….well you win for the most owls for sure…very cool!

  11. That is a lot of owls!! I am sure that Sonja thinks of them as plush toys.


    The owls are adorable. I think you need to make just one more so you have 50! Nice to see everyone in the family enjoys the sewing/quilting!

  13. I am giggling…that is a big flock of owls! Good for you!!! They are really cute – each in its own style!

  14. Wow…you certainly have made lots of pincushions! Your "funky angry owl" is just too cute!

  15. Super cute owls, and I'm the lucky owner of one of them. Actually showed it in a picture on my day in this bloghop yesterday. Pincushions are just the cutest things in the world, and I hope to be in your swap later. Greetings from Turid

  16. Kristen King

    You are definitely the queen of Owl pincushions…and they are all lovely! 🙂 It is too bad your gift pincushion got lost (hopefully it will be found and sent to its rightful owner!)

  17. Owls everywhere! I love owls… so cute. I see the first owl as holding a baby owl in a pocket. It wasn't until you said that about the beak and fabric that I looked at it another way. Thanks for the owl parade!

  18. Annette Schultz

    now these are a hoot for sure.I love the ones where they are looking up as to say "who me????"thanks for sharing the flock with us todayin stitches

  19. Denise Russell

    They are beautiful! Question: could I borrow your pincushion inspector for the day? I have no girls at home except for my cat Sapphire!!!

  20. You are a HOOT !! So very cute and fun! One can never have too many cute pincushions or give too many away , right?!Susie

  21. You are a HOOT !! So very cute and fun! One can never have too many cute pincushions or give too many away , right?!Susie

  22. JanesQuilting

    OMG…50 owls…that is a lot. But they are sooo adorable. I love the different fabric choices you made. It is like giving each their own personality.

  23. Your owl pincushions are wonderful! It is fun to work on projects like these. Great job.

  24. All your owls are adorable! How awful that the pin cushion you made as a gift was lost in the mail! Great job!

  25. Liz - Moments

    The owls are adorable…I would definitely make #50…how many people can say they made 50 owl PC !!?? LOL

  26. One can never have too many pincushions. Owls are so addictive and cute. Love your husband's design…not everyone is into frilly. Great hop…

  27. Love your owls and your "inspector"! lol She is quite serious in her work, isn't she? Such a cutie. Thanks for sharing. vickise at gmail dot com

  28. I love all of your pincushions especially the owls. They are a "hoot"! (sorry, it was just too easy..)

  29. Oh you are wonderful 49 owls, of course you must make one more. Thanks for sharing

  30. Owls are so cute and yours are wonderful. Especially when you made so many of them.

  31. What a hoot! Your owls are the cutest things. As for the unnamed owl, I think it should be something like Tattoo. With a beak like his I think it would be a perfect name. Yes, you definitely need to make the 50th one. Thanks for sharing.

  32. I might just have to make an owl pin cushion myself! You've got a lot of really cute ones!

  33. OM goodness! I can't believe all the owl pincushions you've made. At first, I thought she had a really nice family but by the end of the post, I realized you'd made a small town!!

  34. Oh my goodness….49 owls! You can probably make those babies in your sleep! 🙂 They sure are cute.

  35. Definitely make another one to round things out, that's a lot of owl pincushions.

  36. Terry@ a quilting blog

    Hoo has the most owls…you do!!! What fun pincushions..thanks for sharing!!

  37. 49? seriously? That is amazing. But they are so darn cute I can see why. And Missy Inspector sure is growing!Sorry I am late visiting.Hectic week.xo jan@sewandsowfarm

  38. so did owls nest outside your bedroom window as a child? your collection is amazing. wonderful job on them one and all.

  39. Love the owls. Says this owl lover to oviously another. If you decide to do anotehr one…What about a patriotic one?

  40. After making that many owls, I wouldn't like them any more. LOL All of your pin cushions are fabulous!

  41. I think you have always made the best Owls around! I enjoyed the show so many colors and fabrics!

  42. MooseStash Quilting

    Owl be darn, you have a flock! Do owls come in flocks? LOL They are sooooooo cute.

  43. What fun pincushions Bea! I remember finding your blog after seeing one of your owls a year or two ago! Thanks for sharing.

  44. You certainly do love owls! They are all so cute. Such a shame about your gift that was lost. Thanks for sharing with us.

  45. Brandy Pettit

    Thanks for sharing all your owls, they are all very pretty!~Brandybrandizzle7133 at yahoo dot com

  46. Sunshine Girl

    These are all great – love all those owls! Thanks for sharing and sorry I am late visiting.

  47. You've been turned into an honorary owl yourself and I am honored myself to be the proud owner of one of your creations. I think of you each time I look at it.

  48. That is a lot of owls but they are so darned cute. What fun you must have making them and giving them their own personality!

  49. Your array of pin cushions is amazing. Of course, your inspector has to check them all out – you know see if they pass and if there are any defects – lol. They are all amazing. Owls have been and are still all the rage. I love them all. I really like the cross pin cushion and the embroidered one is absolutely gorgeous. You do beautiful work. Thanks for participating in the hop. You are a great inspiration to us.

  50. Bente-I like to QuiltBlog

    Okay I see you love owls and I do understand, yours looks very cute ☺The needle house is so gorgeous too,thanks for sharing!

  51. Hi!!! Wow!!! That is a lot of owls!!! I love them all!!!! All 49 of them!!! Hee hee one more would be a hoot too!!!! Thanks for the fun!!!!

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