Pin cushion swap 2014 link up

The pincushion swap for 2014 is almost over.

It’s been a BLAST! You can click here and see them all

I wanted to have a link up so everyone who participated could show what they got/made.

Here’s what I made

And here’s what I received

2014-12-12 004

If you’ve been part of the swap, link up below

Are you inspired yet? Want to join in 2015?

I will do 3 months at a time in 2015. You just send out ONE pin cushion per month for 3 months, then you can drop off or add to the swap and we’ll continue in chunks of 3 months at a time.

Let me know if you want to join- some of us have done it since last year and it’s a blast! (not mentioning names TURID!!?LOL)

4 thoughts on “Pin cushion swap 2014 link up”

  1. So fun to see all the pincushions you've made this year together. You can put the December one here too, I got it in my mail box today. Thanks you so much.I'll make a blog post to share later tonight.

  2. yes please I will have a go at joining in, after seeing tubakk`s blog my mind is madeup

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