Pictures from the garden

No school means that the pool is up!

well getting UP, found out that the upper inflatable ring has a leak that we need to find! The outside of the pool is not inflated it just rises up as the water fills up!

This year hubby ordered a bigger and better SAND filter for the pool because last year the little filter system had a hard time keeping it up and it was annoying to clean it all the time.

Then we have a salt water system that turns salt water to chlorine by sending it thru copper blocks or something like that, well it wasn’t worked now, it kept saying low salt, which we knew wasn’t right and if it’s low and beeps it’s won’t work, he tried to mess with it and lower or muffle the sound or try to bypass it and got something working, so we left it overnight, but it completely stopped working the next morning.

Then we got the sand filter thing and the sand and hooked that up and I left Saturday for a Pampered Chef party at my friend’s house and when I got home the salt water thing had caught on FIRE or something, Dan said there was smoke everywhere so he unplugged it, so maybe it couldn’t handle the sand system next to it, that it was too big? or just gave up after it sort of already broken…. anyways, so had to order another one of those!


Meanwhile hubby is almost done with the chicken coop for the chicks!

(and then we need to order some more “pullets?”


and I haven’t shown part of our vegetable garden!

we have lots of squash plants that are starting to grow


some banana pepper plants (one is growing so far)


a bell pepper (I think I got 3 but the other 2 are lagging behind or died)


a spaghetti squash (something new for us this year)


and our grape vine is finally producing! it was an old experiment from a few years ago and we just let it be and now there’s several clusters!


And lastly this little thing keeps growing too Smile


2 thoughts on “Pictures from the garden”

  1. Your garden and baby are growing large! Just curious, what area of the country to you live? I'm in Ohio so a bit behind in the garden my plants are growing but it's too soon to expect much harvest.

  2. SewMisadventurous

    I'm a bit flummoxed at the sand filter, unless the other side of the pool has a mini-beach, it looks like it's on the patio, it also looks like you're getting the weather to use it! You already have stuff growing and fruiting in the ground. Over here the only things growing are the weeds and amphibious creatures that can thrive in monsoon rain and thunderstorms 🐸 ribbit, ribbit!

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