Party time

It’s been party time (round 1) this weekend.

Friday Sonja turned 3 years old- time flies!!

Then Saturday we had small party for her.

Here’s a preview of what she got Friday morning.



It was all hands on deck helping put this thing together!




Then Sonja became the proud owner of a new kitchen!!


we put it upstairs in my room, so she can play while I sew, so we have to move my table to the side a bit, but there’s still plenty of room.


Saturday we had our friends Laura and Micah and their new baby come over.

And Bjorn and Solveig made Sonja some surprise eggs that had blind bags inside (Sonja has been watching these videos on youtube about surprise eggs and blind bags)


We also put up some streamers and balloons 🙂


and the little princess took a little cat nap before the party started!


Here she was handing out plates to everybody.

And did you notice the dress?

a new one I made her for this party 🙂



we had pizza and a Hello Kitty ice cream cake WITH candles!! (that’s all she said she wanted for her birthday- candles!)




She got an apron from Laura for her new kitchen!


I’ve gotten lots of suggestions on FB about what to sew for her new kitchen now 🙂

a fun weekend and Sonja has already cooked up some delicious meals, yesterday it was strawberry soup!

now round 2 is next weekend when Bjorn turns 13!! (sigh, I’ll have a teenager!!)

8 thoughts on “Party time”

  1. Vroomans' Quilts

    Oh – no more baby! The time sure did go fast. And a teenager next, bless you dear heart. Hope you are getting your feet up sweetie.

  2. Love the birthday dress! As soon as Sonja starts catering I'll take an order of Strawberry Soup. The kitchen utensils quilt is perfect for decor.

  3. belated happy birthday Sonja, what a lucky girl you are I would have loved my kitchen when I was a little girl and your strawberry soup sounds delicious! Now Mum no overeating all these lovely things she will be making whilst you are stitching!!

  4. So much fun. Looks like the little princess had a wonderful birthday. We all love candles. Unless of course your my age, then you worry about the fire department showing up! LOL!!

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