owl and cats

Wanted to show what I did today, or rather finished, well sort of.

I finished quilting this cat quilt

I really get inspired by leah day and her filler designs and always want to try something new.

This one is inspired by her echo shell designs


First I actually browsed her designs and saw the name of this called cat hairballs, I just HAD to use it.


so i used that for the pink borders

on the large black border I just did a boxy sort of line, thought the fabric was too busy for anything else.

on the 2nd cat I used a sort of trippy triangles, not sure if that’s the one, when I looked back I couldn’t find it, but it’s close enough


After I had done the two top blocks, I wanted to continue with an alternate, soft curvey block and a hard edge block, so I did this circuit board design, it was actually lots of fun to do, I will do this one again! well they were all fun.


lastly I did this brain coral, sort of like the free motion meandering with an echo around it, I just did whatever, another fun one.

Leah Day! you inspire me 🙂


also I did not touch the cats, so they sort of stand out like trapunto..

this is the back of it.

On another note

I finished stuffing the owl! isn’t this a cute set?? my son wanted to help, so he can tell his friend from school that he helped 🙂

here is the portfolio opened up, I will most likely get some crayons or something to go into it, in fact my daughter is having gymnastics right around the corner from a toy store in town…

a cute set 🙂

1 thought on “owl and cats”

  1. Wow excellent piece of work very inspiring!I love your creative work keep it up…PCB

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