Our mini vacation

Last Monday and Tuesday we went on a mini vacation to Great Wolf Lodge in Concord, NC

We had been to one in Ohio last year for the first time and loved it so we booked the one that was the closest to us this year.

Most of the pics are taken with my cell phone, so the quality is not great, I didn’t want to chance getting water/moisture in my fancy camera so I only took a few with that camera.

And I only took a few cell phone pics for the same reason and also after we got our room, our stuff stayed up there 🙂


Us 3 girls got some turquoise wolf ears.


I had upgraded the room so the kids got bunk beds, but didn’t realize that our bed was queen so half way thru the night Sonja climbed into bed with us and hubby had to use the pull out couch…..


On part the kids enjoyed was this HUGE bucket of water that would flip over and dump out all this water below



Of course the kids (and hubby) loved the big slides – that I COULDN’T go on…. boohoo. I love that kind of stuff too, but I survived 🙂

meanwhile I stayed with Sonja in the kiddie pool area mostly and a few times we went in the wave pool.



at 8pm Monday night there was STORY time in the lobby, so I wanted to make sure Sonja was a part of that, so she got dressed in PJs and her wolf ears and the lobby was FILLED, but she still got a spot on the floor 🙂

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I think the character’s name was Oliver the raccoon.

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story time was over quickly because the animatronics on the tower weren’t working (we’ve never seen it work, so it didn’t matter much to us) then we went to the gift store and got Sonja a pink owl.

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She quickly passed out on the couch and the pool closed at 9, so hubby and the kiddos came back then and when Solveig saw the owl she wanted one too (she LOOOVES owl, finished reading this 15 book series called” Guardians of Gahoolie”) so we went down and got her a barn owl to match.

(Bjorn got a deck of cards earlier- that’s his THING to collect when we go on vacation)

here’s a morning pic of the girls and their owls.



Even though we could have stayed there and swam the whole day, by lunch time the kids were kind of bored and we left and went home and came home to NO A/C downstairs. sigh…. got a guy out that night and he added Freon, so hopefully that works for a while, there IS a leak but it could be a slow leak or not, who knows and with 100 degrees outside, no wonder the unit was trying to work overtime….

3 thoughts on “Our mini vacation”

  1. Connie Kresin Campbell

    Looks like your family had a great time Bea! What a neat place for kids!

  2. Looks like a great place. We used to live near one in Virginia but never went:(

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