Organizing fabrics – it’s all Tonya’s fault?!

I got another package of fabrics the other day

Here they are washed and ready to be ironed and put away

Some FUN ones in this pile too, these two I was thinking clothing for my girls- OR backing for a quilt.

I used to just one 1yd of each fabric I liked but now I’ve moved UP and I order for 2 and 3 yd items, then I can pick what I want to use it for, backings for a baby quilt or clothing 🙂

I heard a neighbor tell me that a SCRAP of fabric is anything under 5yds!!

 So here’s my PROBLEM!! my shelves are OVER stuffed!!

So I decided to take away all my scraps- I mean small scraps, anything where I don’t have selvage to selvage, FQs and charms are in another pile

So I folded all my yardage fabrics, isn’t it PURDY???

I have white and grey on one shelf

yellow and orange


pink and purple

Blues ( my “problem” pile- I have TOO much BLUES, but I LOVE blue!!)

teal and green – see I had to make up another blue-ish pile and put it by the green 🙂

black and brown

FQs and charms

 Tonya! you have to block me from buying more blues!! 🙂

as my least favorite colors are the smallest piles (orange and purple and yellow too)

well really ANY fabrics, but that wouldn’t be fair would it??

It’s NOT your fault 🙂

Maybe I should THANK you, because it sure looks NICE…

 Now what about my scraps??

well I wanted them out of sight- at least for now, so all I had around were a bunch of priority boxes so I stuffed each color  in those and put them under my long arm frame, until I figure out something else

 bad picture- but this are non-jelly roll -strips, 2 1/2″ strips that don’t match anything or left over binding strips

I DID finally make a border for the Making memories panel and turned it into a pillow 🙂

 used some owl fabric on the back

I finished the binding on the spider web quilt, I’m not hating it so much anymore

but I think I figured out why I don’t like it… some of the fabrics and I should have stuck with Bonnie Hunter’s saying- if the fabric is still ugly you need to cut it smaller 🙂 -or however the saying goes

 I quilted swirls all over it

 scrappy backing

 Another item off the list is the drunkard’s path quilt, another one I sort of didn’t like.

 Here I looked in Leah Day’s books and chose different filler designs for the solid color sections

and see why I sort of don’t like it? the DP blocks don’t line up…. after I had some oopsie from sewing the blocks together, I decided to trim them down to 6 1/2″ and thought I’d do them wonky by trimming at an angle, well…. DUH! you can’t make a circle or pie piece wonky, it’s a curve!! lesson learned 🙂

a funky rose filler and feathers

 bubbles within bubbles, kind of like olives and swirls

 echo shells and a pearl strand- I think those are close to the names

 bunch of triangles overlapping and I did some straight sky scraper type designs on the border

Here’s the backing, again sort of scrappy, used an asian fabric that’s sort of shiny, the purple also had metallic in it which I used for binding also

Here’s an update on my 2013 list

#1 giraffe wall hanging – still working on needleturn applique, mommy giraffe almost done

#2 pineapple black and blue quilt- giving these a break now

#3 Bonnie Hunter ORCA mystery – ready to quilt

#4 green, red, yellow flower quilt- TOSSED!

#5 spring swap blocks- got plans but no background fabrics ordered yet

# 6 Making memories embroidered panel- pillow done!

#7 fall leaf blocks swap- ready to quilt

#8 bubble gum quilt kit won at quilt show – top done adding vine on border

#9 won 9 march BOM -dotted flowers -DONE!

#10 MMMR -DONE!!

#11- drunkard’s path- DONE!

#12- Hidden forest- applique- traced owl

#13 pin cushion swap – mailed

#14geese in a ring- 6 blocks are here

#15 Christmas tree skirt- top done

#16 hexie flowers- 47 done I think

#17 women of the bible quilt blocks- block #21 done

#18 Boxes!- fabrics are here

#19 McCall’s #5 diamond in squares – DONE! & mailed

#20- roman holiday- kit

#21 Benertex floral quilt- top done ready to quilt

#22 Valentine’s Round Robin- Top here ready to quilt
#23 Woven Stars for CT – DONE!
#24 Quilt it today #2- red, white and blue quilt-DONE! mailed
#25- easy street- border done
#26 McCall’s #6 flower star- DONE!
#27 McCall’s #7- mellow yellow- quilted and ready for binding
#28- Book quilt- may use Nancy Drew
and 30(December) twin boy quilts -spider web quilt done

#31 “birds”(Jan), #3 quilt it today- DONE

#32 winding reds(Jan) #4 quilt it today- Done and ready to mail

#33- (feb)CT botanical fabrics- DONE!

#34 MMRR2- march is mailed

#35 (feb) T-shirt quilt planned- interfacing ordered

#36 (feb) baby girl quilt along- step 3 ready to post on friday

#37(feb) Nancy drew blog hop quilt- done!

# 38 (March) stuffed owl- Owlivia DONE!

#39(March) – 2 girl skirts- done!

#40(Jan) Ahhhh’s- 11-16 here

it’s a pizza quilt!! made from fabric!!

13 thoughts on “Organizing fabrics – it’s all Tonya’s fault?!”

  1. Hey, if you need get rid of one of those scrap priority boxes, you can always send one my way! LOL! Nice job organizing your stash! Love your Spider Web quilt!

  2. This neighbor that thinks anything under 5 yards is a scrap–what do they do, make tents?Love the organized stash–very pretty.You finished quilts look great. I need to get brave and experiment with different designs like you did on the D.P. quilt.


    Love, Love, your organization. Wow, it is so pretty all by color. Mine are all by fabric line because I have spent so much money on the whole line. No more though, only backings or what i need to make the quilt. Congratulations on a job well done!

  4. The shelves look so pretty. I hope they stay that way a while:) It's so much work to organize fabric all the time.

  5. Love the shelves with the beautiful fabric!It's so pretty! You did a great job getting it all organized.I love all the quilts, too.I don't know what your neighbor does, but evidently, i only buy scraps.LOLHave a great weekend!

  6. You could always send some of that fabric my way and make room so that you can buy more. LOL For the quilts you aren't fond of, why not donate them to a charity?

  7. It is nice to have it all so organized. I love the spiderweb quilt as well as all the detail and variations on the DP.

  8. Good organization. The 2-1/2" strips in the jar could be cut into pieces for a scrappy braided quilt. I have too much blue, too. And the quilting is great. I like all that Leah Day has done in showing us how to quilt different designs.

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