Organizing, Celtic and pin cushion

I got the “urge” to re-organize my fabrics, they weren’t in too bad of a mess, but the bottom shelf was for fabrics that coordinated and I had the bobbin winder on the 2nd shelf from the bottom and a CERTAIN little girl, knew how to climb up on the first shelf and turn in on- not mentioning any names here- SONJA!! Winking smile

So moved the winder up and re folded and sorted the fabrics.

White, Yel/orange, red on top shelf

Pink and purple on the next shelf

BLUES- I love blues, so dark blue, light blue and teal on the 3rd shelf

and green, brown and black on the bottom.


I also got some celtic solstic sewing done this weekend, I totally missed the extra HSTs from clue #3 so I had to make them, and now I’ve decided I really don’t “like” that ruler for it, I’d rather cut 2 7/8” squares or whatever it was to get them done, but these blocks are done!! PHEW


A layout idea I had


While I ironed, a CERTAIN little girl climbed up and pretended to sew and messed up the order of my blocks- oh well- I got it figured out Winking smile


And I got a squishy package in the mail too!

a pin cushion for the pin cushion swap, have a look at the tab above to see other pics.

Rhonda told me the button on here was from her grand mother, neat!!


My husband did a little “project” too, a chin up bar for the kids, my oldest can just barely reach it, so they have the chair there to help.


are you doing any New Years sewing??

starting your 2014 list??

I should re-post the 2013 list. I do think in 2014 I’m NOT going to condense it, it’s nice to look back and see what I did earlier in the year.

(I haven’t updated this since the end of November)

Here’s an update on my CONDENSED 2013 list

#1 giraffe wall hanging – still working on needle turn applique, mommy giraffe almost done –

#7 fall leaf blocks swap- ready to quilt

#8 bubble gum quilt kit won at quilt show – ironed down border applique, top stitching slowly

#12- Hidden forest- applique- owl block done!

#16 hexie flowers- 47 done I think

#17 women of the bible quilt blocks- DONE! gave to my pastor’s wife

#20- roman holiday- kit

#40(Jan) Ahhhh’s- TOP DONE!

#44 (April) blue yellow kaleidoscope- 6 blocks done

#58 (July) persian star FPP block swap – sewn into a top, missing border

#65 (Sept) farm animal panel – embroidery done

#67 (Oct) Scrappy Chain quilt QAL – blocks done

#68 (Oct) 12 days of Christmas embroidery – embroidery done

#69 (Nov) – tova top blue retro birds– DONE!

#70 (dec) Teacher’s Christmas gifts DONE!

#71(dec) Hexie baby boy quilt- sewing on binding

#72 (dec)Valentine’s GO project, working on blocks

#73 (dec)prayer garden- blocks embroidered

#74 (dec)embroidered towels, done and mailed


I’ll start this list fresh on Jan 1st 2014

11 thoughts on “Organizing, Celtic and pin cushion”

  1. That CERTAIN little girl is really getting into things these days, but what fun she must be.

  2. Art by Rhoda Forbes

    Your mystery is looking great, wonderful colors, and quite a little helper you have 🙂

  3. Your layout for the Celtic blocks is so good, I like it. What a sweet little helper you've got in your studio!

  4. I think Sonja is definitely going to grow up to be a quilter…..she already enjoys playing with fabric and gadgets!! Your Celtic Solstice is looking good and I've been cleaning up my studio also…..must be the time of year!

  5. want to come and organise my fabrics? Mine are NOT in any sort of order!!!Hope the New Year finds you rested and ready to go xx

  6. I did a tiny bit of organizing too last night but I have plans for some more at some point. It always feels good to have things in order, doesn't it.

  7. Deb@asimplelifequilts

    I'm glad I'm not the only quilter in an organizing mood… it's fun to look forward to new projects in 2014!

  8. Happy New Year. I'm looking forward to another year of seeing all your wonderful sewing. Hugs

  9. Happy New Year! I'm thinking you need to make some quilt blocks for Sonja so she can lay them out and drag them around. Of course, yours will always be more interesting. I think your progress looks good.

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