
I’ve had my scraps in these red bins for years and I cut out cardboard pieces to split each into 4 compartments, but a certain little one always gets into them and then often I do a mad dash of picking up and just shove pieces in any random bin, also I can’t see much and they often get wrinkles!


So I finally decided to do something about it, I looked on amazon and found a good deal on these plastic bins with lids, (they are sort of shoe box sized)

then I recruited a cute helper and we went to work re-sorting everything laying them in the bins flat!


I got a furry helper to test the quality of the bins too and Swiffer seems to approve!


Anja took care of that! (yeah don’t look at the mess on the floor!- when I’m in a rush of creativity I less the kids play around and don’t worry about picking up stuff until the end)


Here Anja is showing off how organized it is


I used 24 bins!

So here’s my “order”

Solid white, white on white, white print

beige, yellow, orange

peach, red, burgundy

pink, light purple, dark purple

light blue, dark blue, teal/turquoise


then on the next shelf is

light green, hunter green, dark green

light brown, dark brown, grey

solid black and black print and an empty bin which I think I’ll use for Christmas/holiday scraps! and then I have half a shelf for batting packs!


Then I moved the red bins over to my other shelf with yardage and refolded most to fit inside, the middle shelf is for bundles of FQs and charm packs.


I love looking at my bins and things organized!

9 thoughts on “Organized!”

  1. Shasta Matova

    That looks really good. Congratulations on getting organized. I use bins that size too. I find they are easier to use than the bigger ones.

  2. Nice work girls!! Doesn't that just make a room feel so different when we do something like that.

  3. Anita Jackson @ Domestic Felicity

    It makes sewing so much more pleasurable when I can find just the right fabric without having to "dig" through bundles and piles. Nice job on the reorganization~

  4. Pamela Arbour

    It all looks great. I know you were glad to have helpers. That makes special memories for all of you to remember.

  5. Definitely organized! I'm trying to do something like that in my room. The Dollar General and Target here both have those boxes, and sometimes on sale, so I buy 5-7 each time I need more. I don't think I'm nearly as color coordinated as you are, though!

  6. I use the same type boxes. The live on the cabinet above my kitchen table. I live in a 5th wheel and we travel often. They have yet to fall so it appears to be a safe place. I also have a small cube rack that I store fabric and what not in. I purged 90-95% of my fabric when we decided to rv full time so what I have is important to me.

  7. I have similar boxes for my scraps. I love the way you got things in order and it looks terrific. Such a sweet picture of the kitty and the little one.

  8. Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting

    I'm hoping to do that with my yardage over the next few months. I have no clue what I have in bins in the basement.

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