Orca #5 progress, another owl and NALLE

first let me show you the ORCA #5 progress

I Finished the blocks, yay! (still not sure about the light and dark blues, but oh well!)

all 350 of them! πŸ™‚

they didn’t take THAT long to finish, it was fun!

Over the weekend I got anothe order for an owl, so here’s the start of one

I also got a few emails from the blog hop party and I won a few things!! yay!!

One from a Norwegian blogger, she said I won a pin cushion, CUTE πŸ™‚

here is a link to her blog

I REALLY am starting to collect pin cushions, didn’t mean to, but I have some neat ones now and would never part with them

I also won 3 charm packs from different blogs, will link once I get them.

I also won a pattern, not sure what it is until I get it πŸ™‚ 

Another lady emailed me from here

her giveaway was to write about a favorite toy or stuffed animal when you were a child

this is what I wrote:

I’m a new follower, love both the items! my favorite toy is NALLE, he’s a bear
my mom actually got when she was 1 and passed on to me, his fur is all worn off,
because she had spilled him in oil when she was little, plus when I was a child
my dog chewed it up! Nalle is stuffed with saw dust! so I came home from school
with saw dust in my room- not much but enough to make a few holes in him, so we
had to take him to a DOLL/teddy bear doctor and he got patched back up with
pieces of RUG! that was the only thing that matched… when I was a teenager I
crocheted little outfits and booties for him to protect him. he now sits on a
chair next to our bed, he’s a stiff little thing and not very pretty with
leather paws and glass beads as eyes, but I love him and would never part with

so I figured I’d have to take some pictures of Nalle.

here they are.

He’s really not in very good shape, but very special to me πŸ™‚

5 thoughts on “Orca #5 progress, another owl and NALLE”

  1. http://tubakk.blogg.no/

    Congratulations! I'm glad you won the pincushion. Now you will have one very special from Norway. I put it in the post today. Welcome to my blog again!

  2. I like the blues you are using, looking good! Your little owl is adorable as usual and congrats on your wins!Quilting by the River

  3. Lucy @ Charm About You

    Nice owl! What a gorgeous bearCongratulations on your wins! πŸ™‚

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