oh no! :-(

Just a quick note here 🙁

yesterday I went for a regular dental cleaning, they found I had an abscessed tooth ( I had a suspicion)

I’ve had this “blister” on my gum for a long time, that I could pop too, no pus, just a little blood – sorry TMI…

The problem too is that it’s right over a tooth I had root canaled over 10yrs ago, which is next to a tooth I had a root canal done on a year ago (wondering if the pain from a year ago was this tooth!)

I’m not in pain, just slight discomfort, well over a month ago it maybe hurt a little, but I thought it was sinuses, because the oak pollen had just spiked, so I just dealt with it.

so being pregnant, I don’t want x rays- but I know they have to do it, just load up the covers on me and my stomach!

If it’s bad, it could mean another root canal = $$$$ plus I don’t know how good that tooth is anymore, or what if they have to jank it out?? that could lead to oral surgery….

I do think that there’s something in my jaw bone now.

You know how if you stick your finger on your gums on the side in your upper mouth, have way pass the molars it kind of has a slight bump going up to the jar or cheek, don’t know if it’s muscles or what, well my left side has been alot bigger for a long time…..

Now oddly enough, I’ve been on antibiotics 3 times since getting pregnant for UTI (no symptoms either) so I’m thinking it kept this tooth thing at bay for a while.

well I’m hoping whatever they need to do, will be minor or temporary until after august when the baby comes, then they can do whatever they want (okay except MRI etc when it affects the milk)

SIGH, say a prayer for me…

this stinks!!

I’m leaving at 10.30, my appt is 11.30 (the endo is far away)

6 thoughts on “oh no! :-(”

  1. Definitely not pleasant for you. I will send a few prayers out for you and hope that you can stay comfortable and baby keeps safe as well.

  2. I have faith that your doctors will do what's best for both you and the baby. Take care of yourself.

  3. Hope it all goes well and wish you a speedy and safe(for the baby) recovery.

  4. If your mouth hurts, then everything hurts!!! :/ I'm so sorry you're having problems! I hope everything gets straightened out soon and that you can get back to concentrating on that new little one joining your family! 🙂

  5. Quiltingranny

    Wow! I am not sure but I would ask the dentist if the last root canal may have caused this. So sorry you are going through all of this!

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