NEW SPRING KITS available for FRAGILITY in 3 sizes


available for the FRAGILITY pattern!

With this kit you will get enough fabrics to make the top and binding for the sketch shown for the available season and the printed pattern!

The fabrics are a mix of prints and solids from Michael Miller Fabrics.

Small kit = 18″ x 38″ (2.33yds)

Normal price $38 TODAY ONLY $28

Medium kit = 38″ x 48″ (3.25yds) an adorable BABY sized quilt!!

Normal price $9 TODAY ONLY $38

Large kit = 58″ x 68″ (6.25yds)

Normal price $85 TODAY ONLY $68

If you want to get the pattern instead it comes in 4 sizes and has a QUBE chart on the back for a total of 24 sizes!

(templates are included for the regular 4 sizes if you don’t have the QUBE set)

And did you know that if you create an account/ sign in when you order you accumulate points and you also get points for leaving product reviews! and you use the points to get a discount next time you purchase something from the website!!

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