New room

Happy Good Friday everyone!

Hope you have a Blessed Weekend in remembrance of what Jesus did for us.

My AWESOME husband took off from work Thursday and Friday for Easter and also because the kids are home this week.

I don’t know if it’s just because he painted the bonus room not too long ago or what, but I woke up Wednesday morning with the idea of measuring my “studio” and the bonus room and the long arm machine, table, iron etc.. I played with layouts in EQ actually- more about that on Tuesday Smile

So when Hubby cam home Wednesday night we started moving furniture!!

Here’s the Bonus room (next to my “studio” room)

On the left was a huge craft table for the kids which was ALWAYS a mess, then our former neighbor gave us two brown desks before they moved, and my husband built the kids a lego table a while ago too


This is the other direction, a nice built in counter where my embroidery machine is already sitting on top- and YES that’s a PILE of my quilts I just put there and didn’t know what to do with.


This is my “studio” a door from the bonus room leads to it. It was unfinished when we moved in and my husband put up drywall, made 48 cubbies in the walls, did the flooring and ran A/C…… The room has served me well but I’ve outgrown it, behind the door is a wire shelf where I have UFOs and quilts etc and I have another wire rack to the left, so they both block some cubbies and the long arm blocks cubbies in the back of the room.


So first we moved the table in the blue room and the long arm wasn’t hard at all to take apart actually, the BEAST (V17) weighs 75lbs that was the worst part I think and getting the long poles off. But the frame came apart in 3 pieces pretty much.

Here Sonja is helping DADDY do some wire “management” by the desk, she’s sorting the ZIP ties


Why are they all in a bundle anyways?? you can see them better spread out!


Before I show the reveal of my NEW room I’ll show the CRAFT room now, we moved the craft table in the middle (used to be my sewing table) so we knew how that would look, and YEAH! don’t look at the messy cubbies. I’ll sort thru my stuff later but still we’ll have a bunch of storage there still. I did tell the kids that if they do crafts, they HAVE to clean up the table when they are done, otherwise anything I see there goes in the trash and they get banned from the room! (good thing that rule doesn’t apply to myself!) LOL


My husband doing more wire “management” by the long arm, which is one thing that always bugged me in the old place, it was hard to get behind and the power cable was a tad short so sometimes it would unplug while I was working


So handy guy took some “tubing” from our old washer and dryer- why did he keep those in the first place?? well they could come in handy- and they did, after cutting slits in them and a bunch of zip ties later… VOILA!!



He also went in the attic and took apart some wire shelves and “we” (mostly him) put them together and I got the idea for having a place to HANG quilts


So this morning after a late night of sorting and re-arranging my STUFF

here is what it looks like

I have fabrics on 3 shelves, and a roll of batting below, with a railing thingy that blocks the roll from falling off so I can actually pull out batting and cut it off, then quilts on top, hanging quilts and batting scraps underneath


The other side has another shelf where I have the boxes with scraps (need to figure out something else for these some day) I have a plastic bin with threads for the long arm and the bobbin winder next to it too.

Then my desk with Sonja’s playpen right at the end! Even though when I cut fabric I often trim from one side then walk around and cut from the other side and often the fabric hangs off of the edge, but I might have to work around that Smile


The counter is of course still there and then look at the ironing AREA…

The wire shelf was the one I had in my room before and I already had this extra board on top of the ironing board which fit perfectly on top of the wire rack! perfect!! ( just have to try it, as I think it’s a smidge higher than normal but that’s okay I LOVE it)

I moved the printer off of the counter and put it on the shelf, then my UFO’s are on the rest of the shelves


And a gift bag of interfacing in between on the left


Now I need to finish this post so I can SEW!!

what do you think??

(sorry to all the husband’s out there who’d get into trouble now)

Happy Easter

15 thoughts on “New room”

  1. Looks absolutely fabulous! I'm jealous of all that space. I'll be cramped in my studio with my new baby that is coming but I'd rather be cramped than not have her at all. At least I know that when we finally move further south, I'll need to plan accordingly when house hunting to make sure I'll have a much bigger space.

  2. What a lovely space for creating and what a sweet hubby to get it all set up for you!!!Happy Easter.

  3. I have to say I'm very envious of you and your space! As well as all your toys. :)Have a blessed Easter!!

  4. Pat from Florida

    Bea, you have such a wonderful/beautiful family! Happy Easter to you.

  5. Sowing Stitches

    Bea, You are going to LOVE your new room!!! Can't wait to see the first project created in your new space. Thanks for sharing! Happy Easter!

  6. Deb@asimplelifequilts

    Love it! Thanks for sharing such an inspiring place to create.

  7. I feel more creative just looking at your new space 🙂 What a beauty.

  8. I did all my room layouts on EQ. One of the girls in my Bee taught me. It really helped since I wasn't so good at drawing the correct measurements on paper.your room looks great. Wish I had a room that big.

  9. I did all my room layouts on EQ. One of the girls in my Bee taught me. It really helped since I wasn't so good at drawing the correct measurements on paper.your room looks great. Wish I had a room that big.

  10. Your room looks wonderful! I'm jealous of all the windows because my room is in the basement. Where did you get the wire shelves? They look nice and sturdy.

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