New pincushion swap round SIGNUP!

It’s that time again!

time to start another round of the pincushion swap that I’m hosting!

A Round runs 3 months and each month you make and send out a pincushion
to another swap person which I assign to each one and in return you get a
pincushion in the mail too from someone!

It’s a lot of fun!

This time you MUST be on FB so I can join you to the pincushion swap
group and you have to pinkie swear that you’ll send out a pincushion by
mid month so it’ll get to the recipient before the end of the month!!
There’s nothing worse than sending out a lovely pincushion and NOT
getting one in return…. I recommend that you maybe make the 3 after it
starts so you have them ready to mail out any time. I know life
happens, so just email me or post in the group and we can work something
out, but NOT communicating and not doing your part will get you kicked
off of the swap and banned, sorry….

It really IS a lot of fun and there’s some AMAZING talent out there!

Here’s a few samples from the last swap

 If you comment below, PLEASE add your email address as I often get no-reply bloggers and then I can’t email you back.

2 thoughts on “New pincushion swap round SIGNUP!”

  1. I can't stop taking part in your swap, because I love all the beautiful pincushions. I will have a post on my blog tomorrow trying to get some more people to join in the fun.

  2. Does this start in July? or August? Feeling a little swamped, but then maybe I can swing it!

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