New member of the family

Exciting news!

We got a new member of the family!

a CAT!

This is Swift Fur –nicknamed Swiffer

(formerly known as Steeler)


He’s a 2yr old male that we got from a local shelter-thru petsmart-thru a volunteer organization (all I can say is SIGH- it took 5 days!)

Anyways, we got him Sunday afternoon and he’s supposed to be Solveig’s cat! She’s been begging for a cat, pretty much since the day Peanut died over a year ago. Especially after reading this book series called the “warriors” about a clan of cats and their lives.

So she named this one Swift fur (a mash up of two names from the books) and then we’ll call him Swiffer

He’s a gorgeous, friendly and playful cat!

This was within minutes of getting him.


These are all just pictures from Sunday, so I can document it, of course we’ll take lots of pictures of him now

(and he’s a strictly indoor cat BTW)


he really likes my office chair






The reason we picked him was because he looked like our old cat from FL, that Dan and I got soon after we got married.

this was a scrapbook page from the first day we got him in Jan 1999

a shelter cat too- part Norwegian forest cat we think.


5 thoughts on “New member of the family”

  1. The kids are going to have such fun with the new kitty. It looks like he's still got lots of 'kitty' the way he's playing with the toys. Hide all your thread now Bea. You may know that since you had another kitty before, but I lost my beautiful long haired Calico when I was a teenager from her eating my Mom's thread in her sewing area. 🙁

  2. How heartwarming to see Swiffer living his new home , and being so loved!! He is beautiful!!Susie

  3. Connie Kresin Campbell

    Congrats on the new addition to the family Bea! What a sweetie!

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