Mystery OR quilt along in March?

So… call me NUTS again.

not that I don’t have stuff to do! but I got a shipment of fabrics last week and I’ve been wanting to host either a mystery quilt along or a regular quilt along.

Which would you like?

Do you like it to be a mystery? kind of like Bonnie Hunter’s Easy street?

Or do you want to see the finished quilt sketch before you start?

And how about starting in March? Who’s IN??????

comment and let me know 🙂

Here’s a few Ahhhh’s I finished yesterday

#6 Pete’s turtle

#7 Diamond window

15 thoughts on “Mystery OR quilt along in March?”

  1. Beautiful hexies. I would probably like to see a sketch first, however I don't know if I should commit to anything else : )

  2. Nicole Beadwright Campanella

    These are both very nice. I do like the top one very much.Nicole/Beadwright

  3. I enjoy mysteries, but I have so many projects going, I think I'd like to see a sketch!

  4. I have generally printed off each step of the mystery ones. So far, the colors are not me and so I want to see the final so I know how to put it together with colors I like.But, if the colors were some that I liked, then I would go for the mystery one.

  5. Pat from Florida

    Mysteries can be fun, but occasionally I'm really disappointed about half way thru and quit. So for me, show a sketch. At least some hints.Plus I have the Inklingo mystery going right now. But I'm really doing it more for taking the mystery out of Inlingo than for the finished product.BTW, I've decided to try the original Sarah block this week. With EPPing, it could be done, I guess. Your Ah's look super and those pieces are smaller yet.

  6. Mystery or quilt along, either one would be great. I now own 3 strip go dies which I need to start using. I've been inspired by the Strip Club patterns from Cozy

  7. I can't promise, but I would love to be in. I like the idea of the mystery, but I have held off doing one because I'm afraid of picking out the colors when I don't know the end. 🙂

  8. I would prefer to see a sketch first.I am sometimes dissappointed in the end results especially if the fabrics are not decided upon.It is usually the fabrics that I fall for first.


    I'm doing a mysyery right now but I don't know if I'll have enough fabric because I have no idea what is ahead. I think a sketch would be better. And March will be Perfect!

  10. I like the mystery aspect of Bonnie's quilts but I don't like to have such little pieces. I'm in. I just finished a quilt so why not start a couple more.

  11. Either would be fun but given that I have 7 quilts to finish in the coming months, I don't know yet if I'll be able to join in. If not, I will definitely be cheering everyone else on.

  12. I'd love to play along with a mystery quilt, but I might join you for a quiltalong too!

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