My Quilts at Carolina Brewery in Pittsboro

After hanging my quilts at the Carolina Brewery (Pittsboro, NC)

Thru the Chatham artist guild

I went back this week to take some pictures Sunday afternoon and it was packed with people!

It was fun to see my quilts up Smile

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This is across from the hostess stand- I forgot to take a picture right by the hostess stand where my blue and black “ice balls of fire” quilt is hanging, it looked great there because they have shirts and things for sale and they were light blue!

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More pics from the main dining room

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If you want to come see me and have some FREE food and drinks!

There’s a reception at the Brewery on Sunday March 2nd from 4-6pm

120 Lowes Drive, Ste 100

Pittsboro, NC

8 thoughts on “My Quilts at Carolina Brewery in Pittsboro”

  1. Your quilts look beautiful hanging all over the brewery! Are they for sale too?

  2. How fun!!! They look awesome. Hopefully you will inspire some new quilters:)

  3. How wonderful! I would happily pop over if you were a little nearer to England. xx

  4. Very cool and I hope they bring you lots of business. I'll be there will bells on.

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