Most loved quilt Ever! and 2014 list

I took at picture of my daughter’s quilt the other day, it’s the first quilt I ever made while pregnant with her 9 1/2 yrs ago….

It’s the most LOVED quilt EVER!!

no borders left, strips of binding still hanging on (to patches I had hand sewn on when Peanut chewed a hole in the corner of it years ago)

holes in the nine patches, I don’t know WHAT’s holding it together either, the quilting threads are almost all gone I think…..

But it’s SOOOO soft and of course LOVED Winking smile

(and I’ve already made SEVERAL quilts to replace this one, but NO! she has to sleep with this one still)

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Last weekend I went to a quilt marketplace with my friend and I was “good” and only bought one pattern. I do WANT to make it- one day!

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I have cut out a few fussy cut hexagons and this is the layout for the hexie BOM, now that most of it is sewn together, I don’t know if I LIKE it or not…. well it kept me busy during my son’s wrestling practice Winking smile

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Other than that, I’ve been making hanging sleeves for about 15 quilts, for a quilt show the Chatham artist guild is doing for ME! at a local restaurant/ brewery I will have my quilts hanging up on display and for sale for 2 months from Feb 1st….

those hanging sleeves are SO boring!- note to self to add while adding binding!

IMG_0177 - Version 3

Here’s a few funnies Smile



Here’s my 2014 list update 

#1 (2012) giraffe wall hanging –actually brought this in the car last weekend then forgot the THREAD! duh!!

#2 (2012) fall leaf blocks swap- ready to quilt

#3 (2012) bubble gum quilt kit won at quilt show

#4 (2012) hexies- 43 flowers

#5 (2013)- roman holiday kit

#6 (Jan 2013) Ahhhh quilt, DONE! (secret)

#7 (April 2013) – blue/ yellow kaleidoscope blocks, have a few done.

#8 (Sept 2013) farm animal panel – embroidery panel just done

#9 (Oct 2013) Scrappy Chain quilt QAL – blocks done

#10 (Oct 2013) 12 days of Christmas embroidery

#11(Dec 2013) Hexie Go! baby boy quilt- DONE!

#12 (Dec 2013)Valentine’s GO project-  DONE!

#13 (Dec 2013)prayer garden- hand sewing binding

#14 (Nov 2013) Celtic solstice – ready to quilt

#15 (July 2013) persian star FPP block swap – missing borders

#16 (Jan 2014) – Blue girl Dress DONE!

#17 (Jan 2014) – McCall’s Solids quilt- cut out pieces (secret)

#18 (Jan 2014) McCall’s batiks – need to “order” fabrics

#19 (Jan 2014) Quilted Jacket wonky logs- pattern bought

7 thoughts on “Most loved quilt Ever! and 2014 list”

  1. What a precious quilt and it looks like the fabrics that were used in the center of the 9 patches really wore out! That is so neat that you will have your quilts displayed and sell some! I think the little cartoon on the pillows fits me most of the time……………..

  2. what a beautiful quilt and a beautiful tribute to you as the maker xx

  3. First quilt I ever made was for my daughter. It was completely hand sewn and after 16yrs of use is also falling apart. She refuses to part with it though even though she has other quits on her bed

  4. When something is so loved it truly is a wonderful sight. Congrats on your quilt show too!

  5. Karen in Breezy Point

    Your daughter's quilt has been loved to death–but that's why we make them–right?!?

  6. It is great to see that she loved(s) it so much. Congrats on the upcoming show and I really hope that it is over the top successful for you.

  7. Michele Bilyeu

    Whenever I see a quilt that looks like this, I know it was loved and used and sooo appreciated! How precious!!!

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