more RSC blocks and Swiffer and baby pics

I finished another RSC block


a red Monkey wrench / snail trail block


here’s 9 of them together, funny how the pink and turquoise is all melting together and the rest have a nicer contrast, not sure if I’ll add sashing or not on the finished quilt, I’ll decide later.


I also finished appliqueing the school house block in red.


and an owl block in red- we’ve all seen a floral red owl, right?


and a red fleur de lis block


I’ve also worked on a Women of the bible block,

this is Bathsheba – whirlpool


Did I show these new fabrics?? a friend from church gave me some fabrics for my stash during a bible study we had (she brought a pile and my friend Laura got some and I got some)


I also wanted to show more thread racks!

My husband cut out two “M”s for my neighbor, for her mom.

She says it doesn’t look as great as my racks though, but I told her to sort the colors in color order, that makes a big difference Smile


The rest are Swiffer pics, he’s feeling right at home!




and he’s fine with Anja too!


7 thoughts on “more RSC blocks and Swiffer and baby pics”

  1. some lovely blocks and the owl looks good too. Loving the fabrics I have the one with the feet on, the dark one really has caught my eye.Swiffer looks very much at home and can see how gentle the children are with him and how loved he is

  2. The Joyful Quilter

    Wow!! Looks like you got some BIG pieces from OUR friend!! I get the small pieces (because I'm crazy like that.) I absolutely LOVE get every bit of use out of my fabric dollar… and someone else's, too! :o))

  3. What a great assortment of blocks! You've been very busy. Love the cat, and his name. 🙂

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