More room pics

First I wanted to show the Bible BOW

This is Tamar

Such a terrible story ( I won’t go into it now)

and yet it turned into a “happy” block.


So back to my new room

Here’s Sonja playing on the floor –another reason I wanted this room was the carpet but we all know it will get wrecked soon enough, we’ll see.

Daddy made Sonja PROMISE to tell Mommy to vacuum once a week up hereSmile


Sonja also likes the playpen right next to the table


Here’s a new leader and ender project

I looked at Bonnie’s site and ironed my left over binding strips and other 2 1/2” pieces. For a 6 x 7 block quilt. with 6 strips in each block and each strip being 16” I figured I needed 252 strips.

I had about 230! so I cut the rest from some UGLY FQs I had around Smile


scrap trip around the world

Here’s my desk with the CHICK’s RULE quilt I made for McCall’s behind it


Above the iron is a Timeless treasures quilt I made for a competition ( never made it into the finals or anything like that) MIGHT use this one as my “bulletin” board, we’ll see


Behind the Long arm frame is a Kaleidoscope star quilt I designed and made for Connecting threads!


Here’s the FIRST quilt on the long arm after the move!

A friend dropped it off on Thursday and really wanted it done by Tuesday, but I finished it on Saturday Smile 

(It was just a baby quilt so didn’t take long at all)


Here it is! D9P blocks, very sweet.

She made a baby boy one too just like it for me to long arm and a donation quilt too- I will show those when I get them done


I did allover swirls on it


I put Sonja’s swing in the Kids TV room (right next to the Bonus room)

and since they have their old craft table in my old room now, they went in there to color or do a craft and left SOMEONE behind, here she turned around and looked for them!

(since it was spring break and on weekends my kids crash on the couch while watching TV or playing XBox games so that’s why the comforters are all over the place)


Another Ahhh got finished this weekend too




3 thoughts on “More room pics”

  1. The walls definitley look better with the quilts decorating them and I'm sure Sonja is going to love to have all that space to crawl around while you work.

  2. Love the quilts you have on display. How great to have all that space. Isn't it amazing how quickly in gets filled?

  3. Looking great. Quilts on the wall. My walls are full of shelving and desk hutch. One day I'll take over my daughters room when she ever decides to release it. She seems she has to have her room to come back to when she visits. ;o)

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