More pin cushions

I sent off my pin cushion last week to Pam

She received it Saturday so I can show it now Smile

Of course I did another purse pin cushion, this time I tried a ribbon handle instead of fabric.

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and a big flower button

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I also go my pin cushion from this month from Laura!

A cup of coffee/cappuccino with whipped cream on top, isn’t it cute??

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Rolled up felt and the whipped cream on top is adorable!

Laura is a close friend from church- I’d say she’s my BEST friend!!

( I know she might be reading this!)

Her and her husband live 5 min away from us and we often get together on weekends, this weekend we went there to see pics from the church trip to Israel, she surprised me with my pin cushion already AND more goodies from Israel and we got to feel Dead Sea mud!

Sonja started playing with the cup right away, after the whipped cream was removed.

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And I just had to show this picture with her and Peanut!

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9 thoughts on “More pin cushions”

  1. Cute! Cute! Not only the pincushions but also your daughter on that huge dog.

  2. What cute, cute pin cushions and I am always amazed when I see how huge Peanut is! Sonja is getting big! Thanks for sharing.Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  3. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson

    You are indeed a saint. I can't believe you have made more pincushions! I love them and thanks for sharing….I know others are enjoying too.Smiles,Kelly

  4. Love the pincushions! Your daughter is adorable as well as peanut! have a wonderful day!

  5. Love your purse pincushion! Where did you find the pattern,or did you make it up yourself?What a little cutie with peanut!

  6. Laura Stutzman

    Awww! Even though I don't keep up to date with your blogs? That is so sweet! You are one of my best friends too! Currently the closest. (In more ways than one.) 🙂

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