More hand made presents for Christmas

It’s a late post but I wanted to show some other gifts I made for friends and others for Christmas

These two owls were for our Friends Gwen and Anne in Singapore

-it’s the left over owl fabrics from Sonja’s dress-

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One of the items I made for my friend’s daughter in Denmark, was some felt breakfast from

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and one of their scissor pouches

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I didn’t want to send scissors in the mail, this is just to show what it would look like.

(I sent them other things too, including a quilt for a new baby in the family!)

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For my daughter’s teacher, I made her a purse and embroidered her initials on the front pocket

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it has two pockets inside and a snap for closing.

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Everyone seemed to like their gifts!

3 thoughts on “More hand made presents for Christmas”

  1. These gifts are all so cute! The addition of the embroidery makes them really special… I'm sure everything will be treasured!

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