More fabrics and more blocks

Last week and I think this week also Connecting threads was/is having a sale on their blender type fabrics, I just COULDN’T resist…..

so $52 later…… (had to buy over 50 to get free shipping right?)

This came… drool Smile

Aug 114

Now I was looking at the UFO list from the other day and then pulled out my hexie flowers, should I just make ONE more for the upper right corner or maker another row of 4 also at the top and bottom to make it even??

OR…. at the hexie queen hop, I saw someone make a skirt for a baby, I could do THAT!? since I had the guts to cut into the other hexies earlier and this thing I don’t really LOVE, so it wouldn’t be too bad if it flops…..

What do you think?

Aug 106

I finished another persian star block, the recipient wanted BRIGHT and listed fuchsia, yellow, orange, turquoise and lime ( I forgot the lime here)

First I pulled these colors and thought I MIGHT have to re-do this block later, but figured I’d try it anyways, and now that it’s put together I really like it!

Aug 115

As a leader and ender I was sewing left over green and grey strips together and then cut those again and made into a small bargello runner I guess, just a bit of fun Smile

Aug 120

This is the women of the bible BOW. Joanna, didn’t know much about her either, she followed Jesus around and they thought she was there too when he was crucified, so this block is called crown of thorns.

Aug 121

and lastly I know you want some Sonja pics

she got into my threads and tried to stuff one in the elephants trunk, he didn’t spit it back out..

Aug 118

Aug 122

And Yesterday a hummingbird got into our garage, it finally gave us and fell in a corner that was full of saw dust and cobwebs, so I was able to grab it and cleaned up it’s wings and laid it outside on a towel and the kids picked a flower off of the butterfly bush and it just laid there for 5 min, then my son wanted to give it a pebble and maybe it got startled, either way it flew away, so that was good to see.

Aug 110

10 thoughts on “More fabrics and more blocks”

  1. A hexie skirt for Sonja would be SO cute!I love the star block–quite the color scheme, but it works!I've never seen a hummingbird lying still. Glad it was okay!

  2. Love this post, especially Sonja and the hummingbird! OMG! How lucky for you and your children to get to experience her up close and personal!

  3. A hexie skirt would be so cute! I saw that one the other day too. Sonja is a little doll! She would look so cute in it. My cat Popeye is the one that gets into my threads. He loves to swat them across the floor! Glad the little hummingbird survived.

  4. Nice stack of fabrics. I've spent enough already so I resisted. I hope the elephant survived the overstuffing.

  5. MooseStash Quilting

    Love their sales!! You scored big time it looks like! That little Sonja is just too cute! Love how your toys are her toys! LOL!

  6. Heidi [Grizz-n-Dove]

    I was tempted by the Connecting Threads sale… but I resisted. Sigh. Fabric diets are hard!! PS: your hexie flowers are fun… either as a skirt or something else! You can't go wrong with hexie flowers 🙂

  7. Oh I love your posts! I wish I were lucky enough to have seen just one hummer this year. 🙁 I have a very hard time saying no to fabric.A quilt guild here in Richmond Va is having a huge yard sale from the estate of a deceased member this Saturday. They have to rent a gym! If I keep it up my family will have the same problem.Why oh why can't I say no!?

  8. Nice pile-o-fabric up there! I love the hexies! I say keep going and make Sonja a baby blankie with them! And I am glad yall saved the hummer!xo jan

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