More EQ fun

Do you know that I’m part of a FALL EQ blog hop, hosted by sewcalgal, starting monday!?

so I’ve been busy doing that, or trying!

it’s hard to work in EQ when you are holding a baby 🙂

as I often click and hold down ctrl or alt button, can’t do that one-handed.

it’s also hard to type, which I’m doing now one-handed…

(at least she’s not crying)

last night I figured that if I set on the futon/couch I sleep on with Sonja, have her next to me and the laptop on my lap, I got more done….

so this is what I played with.

isosceles blocks and nine patches, set on point.

I like black/yellow and grey together.

I like blue and yellow too.

this is a pineapple block, with a block made from 4 HSTs-forgot the name

same blocks, just using a diamond in a square as alternate block instead

a flower block, four patch and diamond in a square

a funny flower block and HST blocks

two other flowers

then I found these flying geese and colored the center where they meet a different color.

(I’m still not “loving” the tangerine color of 2012) but I try!

a straight setting

another flying geese block

I’m back to the blue/ yellow combo

and my favorite- all blue!

what do you think?

(and now Sonja fell asleep)

4 thoughts on “More EQ fun”

  1. I love them all–what fun! But my favorites would be that very first quilt AND the first TANGERINE quilt. : )Mom's are so good at multi-tasking, aren't they?

  2. Pat from Florida

    They all look great, but remember the saying, "I'm rocking my baby, because babies don't keep." They do grow up so fast. Don't feel guilty if she steals some of your work time. Sounds like you are finding ways to make everyone happy!

  3. I'm not an orange fan but I do like that tangerine on point. and I really like the blue and yellow quilts

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