Mini sails quilt

I know I haven’t posted in a few days, but yesterday I actually SCHEDULED two posts- one for the quilt along and one for the nancy drew hop!

Anyways, this week I finished the mini sails quilt, it’s only 24″ so maybe a car seat quilt?

I think I will give it to the same MOMMY at church who I gave the bigger version to at her baby shower, she’ll have the baby any day !!

I’ve been trying to machine stitch the binding on again, here it was a tight curvy stippling, I like it, but I think I’m going back to hand sewing the binding on, I just really LOVE the look of it and no stitches on the back!!

I also started quilting a customers 105″ quilt- it’s HUGE 🙂 I’m guessing I’m about half way done now.

 and look at this!! boohoo, the house is getting taller and taller and after taking this picture they’ve made a roof on the right side and on top of the left. boohoo!

Little sonja is happy on her mat, she figured out how to scoot on her back, so I was quilting and looked down and she was near my legs, this morning she’s NOT happy, she sure is a lot more needy nowadays, soon I can contain her in one place so I can sew and quilt! 🙂

8 thoughts on “Mini sails quilt”

  1. Sweet finish and baby pic. And as always thank you for the chuckles. Love them.

  2. That mommy will love the quilt.Once the little ones start to get around it is always a challenge to accomplish anything, but she surely is a cute scooter.

  3. Very cute little quilt–I'd never seen that binding method before. Don't know that I am coordinated enough to do it.I wouldn't ever get anything done with that sweet little girl to play with. Of course, I would hand her off to you when she was fussy. That's what grandma's do. : )

  4. BillieBee (billiemick)

    She'll be thrilled to get a matching mini quilt. Such a sweet baby picture…..miss having a baby around.

  5. Pat from Florida

    Cute quilt for the car. Sonja will be getting around all over the place soon! You'll have to watch for pins on the floor now! She is such a beauty.

  6. tubilinha tiacarminha

    Acho que para esta princesa um cercado com um tapete musical,faria uma festa com sons e luzes(tem volume),meus netos adoram.

  7. The To Do List was a great laugh. Because of carpal tunnel, I have been sewing bindings on with the machine for a number of years, but use a straight stitch. I sew binding on from the back and topstitch from the top. The thread on back matches the quilting thread, so it looks like it is part of the quilting. Am very pleased with the process. Thanks for your blog.

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