Mini hexie quilt is done

Last month I was again looking at my scraps and leftovers from other projects- I keep my leftover fabrics together for a while before putting them in a scrap bin, this way everything goes together already and might end up in another project.

Here I had some 10″ squares from Michael Miller left over and decided to use the tiny 1″ half hexagons from the hexagon die

I had some solid white leftover as well and decided on a hexagon flower garden

It’s hard to judge how big it will be, EQ told me 20″ but that wasn’t quite right at the end, but this is the layout I came up with.

When sewing rows together that are all different, I always use this method, first I sew 2 and 2 together on row one, then press, then sew 4 and 4 together on that row and 2 and 2 together on the next row, then press, then it’s 8 and 8 on row 1 and 4 and 4 on the next then 2 and 2 on the 3rd row and continue that way, this is row 4. – it shrinks quite a lot!

I pressed the seams open on the back

The top ended up being 15 1/2″ x 14″

In QCT I used a wavy design and made it really close and tiny and added a striped binding.

the back was a FQ in grey plaid I had laying around.

It was fun and tiny!

Have you tried this die? I’ve used the larger hexagons but not this one before.

1 thought on “Mini hexie quilt is done”

  1. This is sew cute! But OMG those are tiny, good thing you had the die but still I am sure it was a bit of a pain because of the size.

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